Monday, October 31, 2005

The truth of the matter.

It's POP QUIZ time!

Test your supernatural knowledge here, for exciting prizes!! *

The werewolf is a wily creature, and immune to damage inflicted by ordinary weapons. So how do you kill a werewolf?

a) Force it to watch reality television shows for 48 hours straight

b) Shoot it with a silver bullet or stab it in the heart with a silver

c) Drown it in holy water

d) Drive a wooden stake through its heart

The correct answer?

Do you really need me to tell you?


It's 'A'.
"Force it to watch reality television shows for 48 hours straight."

Silver bullets? That's a laugh.
You'd be lucky if they didn't steal them all and melt them down for cash to buy a good old Scorpions cd.

*I was lying.
There are no exciting prizes.

At least you know how to do in your typical werewolf next time they come over to visit.
But the truth of the matter is...anything with Paris Hilton or Juliette Lewis will be equally up to the task.


blackcrag said...

It should be noted that 48 hours of ‘reality’ television will kill anything, supernatural or not. If you are shot, there's a chance it is only a flesh wound. Properly administered mouth-to-mouth can avert any potential drowning, and, well a stake through the heart... on some people you'd have to find that heart first. But ‘reality’ television will get ‘em every time.

Of course, this begs the question of how do you get a werewolf to sit still for 48 hours of slow torture? Nay truly self-respecting lycanthrope would bite your head off and gnaw on your skull just for suggesting that it watch such low-brow, poor quality programming.

Anonymous said...

well, you could get the werewolf suitably pissed on cheap beer, and prop it up on the couch with the telly blaring... although I suppose sobriety would set in before the 48 hours were up....