Friday, September 30, 2005

There'll be more to come!

Spider Girl's Life in a Bathtub Blog (there's pictures of Africa AND horrendous injuries, what more could you want!)

Polaris's 'Once Was A Crow' blog (she's talented, I need not over sell)

Kim writes some FINE Books! (so go buy them already!)

Bill's Music (and he's good!)

Okay, I realize it's not a TRUE links sidebar...but I'm working on it!


Tai said...

I'm trying Bill, really I am!

It's easy for you young folk, ya'll grew up with that new fangled old folks, well, we're lucky if we can figure out elevators!

"drat, what button did I have to push again?"

Don't worry...I have some excellent assistance.

And Bill...thanks SO much.

By the way, you really should check out my friends links (Kim's and Pol's and Spider Girl's), they are all very intelligent, very interesting people who I'm SURE, will also love your music.
After all, they've been my friends since I was 10...that's got to count for something!

Spider Girl said...

If I wasn't already fond of Jeff, I'd hire Bill as my computer techie. Thanks for helping her out, Bill! :)

Anonymous said...

BILL! I wanted to leave a comment on your blog regarding your music (which I liked VERY MUCH) but I can't.... your blog won't let non-blogger riff-raff like me leave comments! So, let me just say here & now, great music!