Monday, September 12, 2005

It's all about the bling?!?

As I AM currently reading J. Mitfords facsinating and disturbing book, "The American Way of Death: Revisited" I keep feeling compelled to look up the Canadian versions for reference.
(Not only is this book about the American 'tradition' of death, it's also almost 10 years out of date.)

And lo, I discovered that these days a variety of funeral jewelry can be had, as shown by the lovely piece above.
That dandy little number will run you about $800 big ones.
It IS, after all, a Black Onyx Pendant.

And here I am, running around without the slightest idea that I would need some new jewelry when someone I love passes on.

The notion of buying myself jewelry when my mother dies is perfectly VILE.

(On the other hand, I may need something big and sparkly when my father goes....)


Pol* said...

vile indeed!

I hadn't the foggiest that a little extra Bling was the norm these days for the funeral. I think its bad enough that some folks go out and buy ne black clothes for the "occasion". Actually the last few funerals I have attended were all very casual, but respectful everyday clothing, because it was all about getting together and sharing their memory, NOT showing up in black. I have a sensible family I guess.

Spider Girl said...

I saw some 'memento mori' jewelry in a museum in London day. It literally means 'remember that you will die'. The Victorians were all for pre- and apres funeral jewelry fashion statements.

I'm all for it. :)