Thursday, July 07, 2005

Speaking of sucking chest wounds...* (and more blathering)

...I was driving to work this morning, in the slower lane of the double lane highway, when a dark flash ran out across the path of the 5 ton UPS truck in front of me.
"Oh no..." I gasped as my stomach raced to my throat.
I slowed my car and waited to hear the screech of tires and to see the UPS truck twisting in effort to avoid hitting the crazed man who ran out in front of him.
I scanned the space ahead to look for a place to pull over to offer what ever aid I might, but realized suddenly that there would be very little I good do against a sucking chest wound.
Then I realized...there was no wail of brakes, or slow motion crushing of soft flesh against unforgiving metal...
Ah, it was merely a person on a moped cutting in front of the truck to take the turn off.
My eyes deceived me.
I was sure it was a person, dodging traffic to get across the road, I was sure that I was going to be witness to a death this morning.
And then I remembered the feeling of zero at the bone...Ms Emily Dickinson wrote that in reference to seeing a snake slid out from the underbrush, but that feeling of all the blood in your veins turning to ice was never better described.


I had a dream last night that Dana Scully (X-Files) and I, were investigating a small town where many of the people had developed a zombie-like presence which ended in a complete disintegration of flesh and, as one would expect after that, death.
We had ascertained that it was an airborne viral problem that was extremely infectious.
The initial symptoms began with general moodiness and unfocused rage, and then progressed as described above.
As we had identified the problem, the next thing to be done was to get the hell out before we, too, were infected.
BUT, of course, Ms Scully started getting grumpy so I had to leave her behind.

I know, not much of a climax.


My favorite ‘bumper sticker’

“Witches parking only.
All others will be toad”


My little cat Attessa is doing well with her wee purple cast.
She thumps around authoritatively, smacking Bentley as she goes.
Actually, she’s very good with it, leaving it alone, no licking or biting at it, she’s been very calm through the whole process.
The cast is coming off on the 18th of this month. It will be interesting to see her adjustment to a leg without a cast on.
But, she’s been taking it all in stride (…) so I doubt it’ll be more than a day or so before she’s perfectly re-adjusted to her old self!
Look out Bentley!

And blah blah blah…

(it’s getting worse, isn’t it?)

Signing off and begging your patience,
Tai the Absurd.

* thanks Spider Girl ( image has burned itself into my brain, and I just can't shake it!

1 comment:

Spider Girl said...

Heh he Tai...that's what I like to do...spread my gory thoughts around. Really, that instructor was most amusing considering the subjects. But he wouldn't sing the little ditty he and his military buddies made up about their friend losing a testicle during a leg-splinting exercise. You could tell he really wanted to, but it might seem, er, unprofessional. :)