Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Glad I was wrong about that!

I went for Thai food the other day.
LOVE Thai food.
The hotter the better.

They got one of the orders wrong, not a big deal really, but they felt that they should offer us a free dessert to make up for their outrageous error.

It came out...a small dish of easily recognizable ice cream and...what IS that??

A small brown lump of something deep fried.

I'd never had ice cream with a fish stick before.

With great trepidation, I took a nibble and ascertained quickly that it WASN'T fish (though they might want to change their frying oil soon), but I still couldn't figure it out.

Another small bite...BANANA!

Deep fried banana.
It wasn't great, but I'm REALLY glad it wasn't a fish stick.


Spider Girl said...

I'm glad it wasn't a fish stick too. :)

Anonymous said...
