Thursday, June 23, 2005

Now HERE'S a thought...

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
~ Joseph Campbell

I love Joseph Campbell. He was, indeed, a truly wise man.

Now, let's consider closely that idea.
Interestingly, the treasure that he's speaking about may be, simply, the overcoming of your fear in the first place!

How lovely!

Now, while my fears aren't many, the ones I have are big deep black caves, designed to swallow little girls like me up, never to be seen again!

What do I fear?
I fear to say!
Amongst friends, I'm generally considered fearless...

Well, I guess that, in and of itself is a fear, isn't it?

I fear people seeing me as less than in control and in charge.
You know, the vulnerable, wimpy side of me.
Admitting it is half the battle right?
I guess now I just have to cry in front of someone to get 'the treasure I seek.' Or tissue, as the case may be!

Okay, that's one down.


Uh, on second thought, that's enough for today.
Anything more is too scary.


Anonymous said...

Ah, Joe.... he was an amazing fellow. He also has this quote (I can't remember which book its from so I'm paraphrasing here) that says our lives are like dreams, dreamt by some Great Dreamer, in which all sorts of experiences and coincidences seem to happen randomly, but upon reflection, have all contributed in some meaningful way to the story of our life. I wish most professors were HALF as poetic as dear Dr. Campbell...

Apologize for any misquoting that might have occurred whilst paraphrasing. Blame my sporadic and less-than-reliable memory.

Anonymous said...

apoloGIES... APOLOGIES... no, I am NOT commanding you, oh innocent reader, to apologize.

Apologies, my dear Tai, I simply can not spell!