Monday, November 28, 2005

I may be in danger.

Here's a very small, (for me) stack of books that I'm currently reading. No danger there.
A completely safe, acceptable size stack, no?

By way of comparison looms THIS stack. Beside my bed.
Not the port though, that doesn't sit by my bed.
(Though that's not such a bad idea!)
No, the port is merely there to illustrate the immensity of my dilemma.

C'mon people, if this thing FALLS on me, I'm in serious trouble.
(Not if the bottle of port is full, though. Then I'll be okay. "Send help, but not to fast, I'm only half way through the port!")

Truth be told, I really HAVE read all those books (and the ones by Nancy Friday more than once...ahem...) but now. I have NO. MORE. ROOM.

I have two large bookcases full to exploding with all the OTHER books I have.

So I guess I'll just have to build more piles and get more port.
(I can see there's a happy turn to this problem already!)

But seriously...

I live in a one bedroom apartment.

I own hundreds and hundreds of books, none of which I would easily part with.
(oh, and my teeny storage unit? Full. Of books.)

I need help.

Send port.


Heather said...

It is a dilemma isn't it? I mean it's just wrong to throw books away right? And like you, I re-read many of them so I never know when I might need to find one and that means I have to keep them all. Oh what a problem!

blackcrag said...

Buy another bookcase. Stack books on top of the bookcase. Hang wooden boxes from the ceiling. Make sure they're sturdy and have no bottom. That way you can stack books two deep, with spines facing out each end. Then stack books on top of the suspended boxes.

Really, what's the problem here?

One final option: Get a new job that pays more money, buy a bigger aprtment, and empty out your storage locker into the other room.

Mel said...

I share your pain! I have books stacked in the floor in the guest room right and everytime someone comes I show them the stacks and say "take some books there're free" but no one ever does. Sigh. I am not attached to my books that much as you. But I have to have at least 2 unread books in case of an emergency.

Anonymous said...

I think Bill has a good idea with donating your books, but I think it would be more appropriate to donate your books, NOT to the library, but to your dear dear friends, who would love & cherish the books, especially the Nancy Friday ones.... *nudge nudge wink wink*

Hey, Mel? Did I hear you say 'free books'? How far away do you live?


Tai said...

Some time ago, I did exactly that.

I don't know how much blood (oops, I mean BOOKS) I have to give!

And, yes, Nisha, I owe you a Nancy Friday.

It's here, can't you see it in that ominous stack!?!

Lmnop said...

I *thought* I would save money by going to the library, yet I kept the books for six weeks and the 25 cent / day fine / item ended up costing me $7.50 more than if I had bought the 4 books I took out, 2 of which I never read. Thank God that's all I could carry that day...