Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Tick tock, tick tock

Well, the DEATHCLOCK has indicated that I'll live to the ripe old age of 98.

Kim at www.kbannerman.com has correctly pointed out that there are many things it doesn't take into consideration, not the least of which are health and diet.

And if you happen to spend your time bleeding around sharks, you can be sure that your clock will be sadly inaccurate.
(Thanks for pointing that out Kim. You never know when a gentle reminder will save lives.)
Also, it didn't even begin to consider the speeds at which I drive, though those are tales for another time.

So, I have a lot of minutes to live, really.
Given the fact that my fastest personal speed land record on public roads in a 'buy off the lot' vehicle is 260kmh * (that's 163mph, for my dear American readers.)

Which makes me wonder how it is that I'm sitting here, exactly.

* Don't try this at home, kiddies! The cops will stop you and point a gun at your head in a very unfriendly manner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad I can be of help, reminding people to keep their bloody limbs out of the water -- consider it my 'public service announcement' for the day.

And speaking of reaching insane speeds in certain motor vehicles... I was reminiscing about your old Charger with great fondness today. I'm pretty sure that the time we drove out to the lake, with you at the wheel, was the first time my life actually flashed before my eyes. :)