Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I tried to send a nice letter, but it didn't go through.


RE: Flying Spaghetti Monsterism

I have decided, though my family may wail and rend their garments, to become a Flying Spaghetti Monsterist.

I hope the great FSM (that's not considered bad form, is it?) will consider me a great disciple in long leather boots and a cutlass.
I'll carry whip if need be, but prefer a musket.
Give me a musket any day!

So, anyway.

You can find me at

I do pledge my allegiance etc etc...but as I'm Canadian, I also reserve the right to sit back for a few years and think about things.
I might reconsider, but I'll do it in the nicest possible Canadian / Pirate sort of way.

Cheers and Avast Ye!
Tai the semi-committed Canadian FSM'ist


Tai said...

What the hell is it with the freakin' blog spam!?!

Can anyone help me rid myself of this fitlth, this vile stuff!?!


Tai said...

I meant filth.

but y'all knew that, right?

Anonymous said...

Hey, there what a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a atkins diet diabetes site. It pretty much covers atkins diet diabetes related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :)

Anonymous said...

Bill seems genuine enough, but the rest of these anonymous spam bastards ought to be keel-hauled.