Thursday, August 04, 2005

Isn't it amazing?

Dancing statue

A statue of the Virgin Mary has reportedly "become flesh" and started to dance.

Over 40,000 catholics are on their way to St Peter's church at Acerra, near Naples to have a closer look.

Witnesses say that the 5ft white marble statue stretched out her arms and moved her legs reports the Daily Express.

Domenico Di Gennaro said: "I saw the statue move without doubt. The legs and the arms were clearly moving and my wife saw it as well. Some people who had phones photographed it."

The parish priest said the church was closed so that tests could be carried out on the statue.


That story just astonishes me.

I mean...telephones that can TAKE PICTURES!?!
It wasn't that long ago that telephones in houses were rare, and now they can photograph things.

I can't wait till they start doing housework, too.

Oh, and that other thing is kinda weird too, but after all the religious toast out there, one grows rather used to it.


Misty Moonsilver said...

okay werewolves too. But I can only speak for me and what I am...

Anonymous said...

Ah, werewolves. *joyful smile*

Spider Girl said...

Hey! I know some werewolves.....:)

Spider Girl said...

Tai, this happened in Italy, right? Ya never know...there's a lot of mystical Catholic energy hiding out there I think.

But modern technology *shudder* that's what gives me the heebee jeebies too. Especially if somebody making a telephone call to you can see you in your jammies.