Wednesday, August 03, 2005

And now, I interrupt your regularly scheduled program.

Well, just in case I've not entirely established myself as a 'nerd fantastique'* in your minds, I've just been watching a very interesting show on KCTS (you know, that 'edd-you-case-yoonal' television station?)


It's a reality OPERA show.

uh huh.

20 or so people get together and compete to be part of the English National Opera.

It's so exciting!
To bad it's only one episode of congenial, nice people singing their hearts out for the chance at a dream, instead of a bunch of bitchy people in a whole prolonged, nail biting and agonizing series of sex, anxiety and back stabbing cruelty for some cash.

(Come to think of it, there's enough of that kind of angst in real life, why would you WANT to spend an hour of your life each night watching it on tv?)

I guess some one is making money on reality shows somewhere! **

* I don't know what that means exactly. A fantastic nerd? A nerd of fantasy? You pick, I'm sure you'll make the right choice.

** Well, no one is making money on reality Opera shows...I mean, who wants to see THAT, anyway?
And hell, I just watch it to be peculiar!
(Okay, okay. So I secretly enjoy it. So some of the arias make me cry. Just don't spread it around!)


Spider Girl said...

(Remember, we rule the world).

How about nerd diabolique? Or nerd fatale? That's more your style, dearie. :)

Blogger said...

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