Yesterday I spent the afternoon driving around the seaside outskirts of Victoria. I wasn't sure where I was or where I was going exactly; my trusty map didn't show the borders of this city, only the heart.
It wasn't raining here yesterday, though the clouds looked imposing and dark. The wind had picked up as the day wore on and I could feel it pushing my little car about as I drove.
I picked an old boat ramp to park and look out from.
The hurling wind pushed and pulled, the waves furled and crashed. Seagulls seemed to think this was a fine time to be out and let themselves ride the gusts over the turbulent water.
As gray and foreboding as the storm seemed, across the strait glowed the coastal mountains.
The sun had still found a way to light them up.
I sat for a long time, watching the sea crest and drive towards the rock. One of the things that kept coming to mind was how glad I was to be back on 'my' Island.
My time in Vancouver seems almost a dream. I forget that it was 11 years of my life that I spent there, growing up and learning.
Oh, I'm so glad to be here again.
It's been said 'you can't go home again'; I suppose it's true.
You can't retreat back to your life of innocence and inexperience...but you know, you really CAN go home again.
If you're lucky, it's just as good as you remember it.
And if you're really lucky, it's even better.
I just can't believe how lucky I am.
Nice story...
How I miss Victoria. The month I spent there was dream like...
Glad you're home. ;-D
You sound pretty content. Any place on the world that makes you feel blissful in the middle of wind and rain sounds like heaven to me. Great pic, thanks for sharing the day.
Wow! I envy you. The closest places near the sea to me are usually littered with people, though I do have the option of going into the mountains to get away.
And I do this weekly. ;)
Fantastic, beautiful place on Earth, that island. ^_^
There is no luck. It's all about skill, timing, and most importantly, good genes.
Are you trying to make me homesick?
It won't work. (Well, maybe a little). But I'm made of stone, girl! I ... will not ... give ... in!
Here here.
This post brought me back to wonderful days spent on Gabriola:)
It's been over 15 years since I was there last but I can picture it still...
I'm glad you're home.
I'm glad you're home. I'm glad I'm home, too. This island is in our blood -- as far as we may roam, we will always have this windswept, rain-drenched rock to be our sanctuary & our home. :)
OK, Kim's comment depresses me. I wa sborn in Toronto, so by her thoughts, I will always have smog, bad traffic jams, and acres of concrete in my blood.
Isn't that stuff carcinogenic?
Tai, what a beautiful picture. The seaside drive around Victoria is so exquisitely beautiful. It's always my favorite thing to do when I visit there. The ocean off Victoria is more wild and rugged than it is off Vancouver. Vancouver is very sheltered.
There's a blizzard in Vancouver right now. Victoria as well?
Tai, that picture is so beautiful. I love the seaside drive around Victoria. Vancouver is very sheltered, but the ocean off Victoria is more wild and rugged. I went to school in Victoria and I loved it there. It's very different from Vancouver, isn't it?
Wow - I can't believe you made me miss the rain! I agree, after living on the Island on and off for my whole life, it is definitely a part of my heaven on earth.
Blackcrag, I didn't mean for my post to depress you! In my humble opinion, home is where your heart feels happy, not where you took your first breath of air. :)
Our feet may be webbed from the rain, but we Vancouver Islanders are lucky folk.
I know I am. :)
Beautiful. I can't believe I've never been there. :(
BTW, I found you from a comment you left on Dan's blog.
And you know I must be serious about wanting to leave you a comment, because I just had to type "rwcyxvnz". :)
I wanna go!
Sounds lovely.
Brilliant post. I love the pic, but especially the image you paint. And you're right about going home. It can be good if not better than you remember. I like that. :)
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