It's so catching, in fact, that I sussed out the Oak Bay Community Centre here in Victoria and bought myself some passes.
And not only that, I actually used one yesterday!
It's not the same without a friend to go with, but there's still value in it.
I go so that I develop a habit of being healthy for the rest of my life...something my teenaged self (who despised 'gym' class) would have cringed over if she knew I would one day actually enjoy treadmills and lifting weights.
What I hope to never emulate is the female weightlifters who get all ripped and oiled and look...well...kinda scary.
(Truth be told, I'm not fond of the appearance of any hardcore weightlifter. Popping veins rather alarms me.)
So that, in a nutshell, is my time in Victoria to date.
Oh. And looking for a job of course!
No, please don't do the ripply thing, it's hideous. You look dandy as you are.
PS My cold is much better.
Ewwww. Oily. That is SOOO unattractive. And my question is, if it's obviously not considered to be the thing that attracts men, then why do those women do it? I don't get it. I'm all for being healthy, but that's just too far.
Out here in Chattanooga we have a community called Moonshadow. They live in homemade mud huts, use rainwater, grow their own food, and have no electricity. It's kindof cool. They aren't religious zealots or anything, just a bunch of hippies lookin' to improve the earth. You should check it out.
Toned is good :)
and veins popping out is no good on a woman.
I did go out with a muscular type once. Not as in the picture, but still muscular. It was nice too.
I tend to think that the body is a bit secondary. There's so much more. Yet, firm is good.
When you're younger - teenage - you don't have to go to the gym or train or whatever, your body beats with energy, you're constantly moving.
But as we age, our lifestyles change. And so must our habits. Keep doing it :-)
A month for my hand , by the way. Check out my other blog at rawmatt.blogspot.com
I totally hear you on this. I joined a gym over the summer and this gym-resistant gal has been going five times a week. The colder weather makes it more challenging motivation-wise but so far so good. Here's to our health!
I totally agree. Big muscles kind of scare me.
Please tell me that's a guy with a wig on...
passes to a gym, eh? intersting.
A woman should never have a huge Adam's apple. NEVER.
Might need a microscope for that, Limpy!
And you're worried about YOUR arms getting big! Heh!
Although I've always said you must do one-armed push-ups in your sleep to get the wonderful biceps you have. I'm envious. :)
It is funny how we think and worry about different things as we get older...heck, older? I am OLD!
Back in the early 80's I started going to clubs with a girl and it seemed like these certain guys were always there. She was nuts over them and didn't understand why I didn't think they were hot. One night she was really perplexed and said, "How can you not think these guys are hot? THEY'RE BODY BODYBUILDERS!?!" I was confused. I said, "Really? I thought they were just fat." Because in a suit, honestly, in a suit they just look fat.
Gack! Sweaty oily types! Give me a computer geek anyday!
(and if he enjoys a mild game of squash every now and again, so much the better!)
phew...I cant believe it actually some people (men and women) like to be like this hihihi, Im scared! :D
But yeah, keeping fit is wonderful both for body and mind :)
Good luck in job hunting!! :)
all the best :)
Ah, exercise is good; but I've gotten myself so busy that it's fallen by the wayside except for when I get out to hike.
I'm glad you're not trying to be like the person in the picture. No one, male or female, looks healthy that way.
I can't understand why any woman would want to end up looking like that! Toned is fantastic but muscles are for men not women!
No! That photo can't be real! No way! They took a photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger (man, that dude's name is friggin' hard to spell) and put Uma Thurman's head on it.
It's all Adobe Photoshop, right?
Please, please, tell me it's only Photoshop.
lol, yeah, I don't like the muscle look either. I don't know how anyone can think that looks good. :)
I guess the plus side would be that you probably wouldn't grow hair on your legs anymore, thus making waxing obsolete. :)
No veins. Ick. It seems like it'd be hard to function being all bulky like that. It's not for me... I prefer to be lean-n-mean! Well, not really mean -- but you know what I'm saying...
I burst out laughing when I saw that picture at the top of your post. Do you remember the lady body builder character that Jim Carey used to do on "In Living Color"? I don't think you'll ever end up looking like that.
Fitness good.
Bulging muscles bad.
I'm with you; that overly muscled, grasshopper look is never attractive, and I usually automatically assume I'm going to have little to say to someone that is that caught up in getting there. One of my few (I fancy) sterotypes.
yes, i agree, avoid the ripples and oily look, you look MUCH better with a sword on your head!
Ugh .... I HATE working out. HATE IT!!!
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