Sunday, November 05, 2006

There goes the neighbourhood.

Here we all are!
Pol, Kimber, and Spider Girl and me, all congregated in Cumberland.
We've gathered to celebrate our collective 'Un-Birthday'.
It's a bit late this year.
Normally we hold it in the summer, but due to life-stuff like moving and babies, things got put on hold a bit.
Which is entirely acceptable of course.
That's what the 'Un-Birthday' is all about!
It's simply a time for all of us to make time for each other whenever that may be.
In lieu of presents and angst, we decided a few years ago to stop stressing out over birthday's and Christmas.
Instead, we gather together for dinner, drinks and a terribly fun sleepover at the hosts house.

Nothing outrageous going on here, just a nice dinner out with friends. Really, twenty years of friendship is certainly something to celebrate!Here's me and Spider. Fairly normal, non?

But add a wee bit of wine, a bright moon shining through the clouds, eyeliner and red lipstick and suddenly, nothing is as it seems.

Between the bears using the backyards of Cumberland as their own personal toilets, and us hiding in the trees, Kimber's neighbours must be ready to cut and run!

(I think I'll write more later...we were up till 3:00am this morning and I'm exhausted! But I wouldn't change a thing.)


BostonPobble said...

A very merry unbirthday to you!

Tell me, tell me, tell me you know The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants...

blackcrag said...

I would never consider anything about any of the four of you 'normal', dear Tai. You'd probably smack me for it if I did.

A very Merry unbirthday to all of you.

See you in December, I hope?

Mathieu said...

Happy UN-b-day.

You look terrific, even if I've said it a lot of times before.

cheers to friends!

Ian Lidster said...

And a very merry unbirthday to you all -- well, I've met most of you at least, and I think it is great how your friendship with toute la groupe carries on. Cool, my friends.


djn said...

I love it! Happy un-birthday. Twenty years of friendship is, indeed, something to celebrate.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Oh boy! Can I link this to the girl's night blog?

This looks like great fun, it made me happy to read about.

Mz.Elle said...

Ohh what a grand time!

Pol* said...

We weren't exactly QUIET in the trees either. Flashes popping and the noise we were making, we are going to be on some unexplained mysteries of BC show,.

Mel said...

You are right 20 years of friendship is something to celebrate!!

Hope it was fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy un-b'day love.

BostonPobble said...

Oh Tai ~ The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants... Lovely movie. Better book (as tends to be the way of the world). It's for young women (12+) technically but it's also for those of us who have been lucky enough to have friends like you and I are blessed to have (Kim, Pol, SpiderGirl; The Lovely Cats, the Divine M, Nemeria...) The next time you're looking for an easy yet delightful read, I highly recommend it. My guess is it will make you smile and remember A LOT about the last 20 years of your life.

Momo said...

Looks like you all had a great time. I love your idea about just hanging out - no gifts - no stress - just good times!

LOVE your face artwork...

limpy99 said...

There's nothing like red wine and lip stick to make the Mike Tyson facial tattoos seem like a good idea.

The Un-Birthday is a great idea. Good times.

ZooooM said...

ohmigosh that's the coolest! My family does something similar, but not nearly as cool. We don't buy each other Christmas gifts anymore - we just make a point of gathering for dinner Christmas Eve. It's been wonderful not having to shop and stress, but just have a great time with great company.

AndyT13 said...

Hey Sexy Tai!
It kills me that you blog so infrequently! I feel so out of touch! :-) Come visit me and give me the news, willya? How are you settling in after the move? Are you happy? Are things well? Inquiring minds want to know.

Dinah said...

I love your shirt!

Jay Noel said...

Unbirthday huh? I like that. Very cool.

Did you chant near a roaring flame?

Anonymous said...

Hi Tai

Quite the plethora of hotties...

Happy Un-birthday to all of you...if it's an un-birthday do you un-age a year?...I sent an un-card but it was un-mailed...

Jo said...

Isn't it wonderful to have friends like that? I have a group of three friends (I'm the fourth) we call ourselves the four musketeers (how original) and we have been friends since grade two. We've shared our whole lives together.

A very merry un-birthday to you.

Barry said...

Are you sure you don't work for the UN with this UN-birthday thing?


Deb said...

Wow, looks like such fun! What great photos! Happy unbirthday to ya!

Tim Rice said...

Oh we all ought to have regular gatherings like this in our circles of close friends. It was good to see you celebrating life and each other in those pictures.