Sometimes (and I'll grant this is rather mean), we like to call people who live in other, colder parts of Canada and casually mention that our daffodils have been out for about a week already.
In February.
We're a cruel bunch.
However, we too suffer at the hand of fate; 'lo...we received our first snowfall of the year.

Oh, I'm not sniggering. No siree, not me. I'm laughing our loud.
I know you read my comment on Kim's blog, but it bears repeating...
Oy vey! Snow already! I like snow but I can tolerate it in small doses. In the Northeast US (where I live), it snows way too much.
One of the pluses is that I get to work from home when it does. ;)
Will you be making any snowpeople?
We had a good flurry the week before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving day was sunny and 73 degrees - unseasonably warm. :( I want to live somewhere where it snows.
Ha ha
hee I'm kidding!
When I lived on the Coast I did the same thing!
Hi Tai
We pride ourselves on having some of the snowiest winters of anywhere in the u.s. Our sniggering happens when other cities get 1 inch of snow and their whole city shuts down. Around here it takes a major dumping before anything shuts down...
So does Victoria choke when it snows too? Because as I learned the hard way, Seattle is completely unprepared for such an event. It took me 8 hours to get home from work last night-- which is just a 20 minute drive.
Haha... Yeah, I spent my college years in Pittsburgh, not far from Mr. Dagoth. It takes a couple feet of snow to slow things down over there! Philly too. So last night was a bit hard for me to understand.
Who woulda thunk of snow in Canada - Haha!
At least you have real weather for the news to report. So Cal here, and when it rains just a teeny bit it's "STORM WATCH"! And it takes hours to get anywhere. And it's just raining. And not horrible rain, it literally lasts 10 minutes at most at a time. But it's enough to throw the entire southern half of this state into a hissy fit.
And when it's 80 in December, January, February - etc. - we do tend to get a little high horsery. Our retardation at the rain sets things right, I think.
It looks like a heavy snow -- that tree is leaning! It's snowing in Denver, even as I type this. About 5 inches fell last night and it probably won't stop until this evening! Love, love, LOVE it!
I always thought I could see a cloud of SMUG hanging out over the Empress Hotel....SMUG always has to fall....anyway, I remember having to tunel out of my crappy Fernwood basement suite in the storm of new years 1996/97...over three feet fell in a single day...Victoria was closed for about 4 was awesome...It actually snowed in my bedroom because the window wouldn't close
ah...fond memories
Hey Tai!
I hope you're keeping warm...Does Snarl have a heater function?
I heard our pals to the west got hit with some snow recently...I hope all is well in lovely Victoria. (Do you happen to know if there's still a store called "Off the Cuff" around there? Just curious...The display cases there used to contain a lot of cool stuff that I liked more than the stuff that was for sale)...
Take care out there, Tai!
Your Pal,
Wow...the pics are pretty. Here in central california, we never get snow....I take that back, I think it snowed for like 30 minutes about 11 years ago or so.
Here in St. Louis, we're getting ice at this very moment. I like snow. But ice....not good.
MWA HA HA!!! It begins!
We are getting it tonight. Look on the bright side. It is beautiful.
I would laugh, but that would mean that, karma-icly, I'd get a dumping of snow tomorrow. And I don't want that.
More than two feet here. It's pretty, but Loki-dog refuses to go outside to pee, and he's growing more and more miserable by the hour.
Oh Nooo, not the dreaded white stuff! Though it is pretty
(like U).
Tai, I love this weather. I get to wear my sexy yellow puddle jumper boots, and they're the MOST comfortable things I have ever worn.
A huge(!) Maple tree fell across the street on 7th Avenue a few days ago and knocked out the power. Brrrr.
We got a little snow and ice here in Ft. Worth and, of course, the entire city shut down. I love snow days!
Sweet! No snow here in the mid-Atlantic yet, so I'm jealous.
-- david
way more snow than us here in Ontario...but not for long i'm sure....*sigh*
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