Friday, February 10, 2006

Welcome to my nightmare.

Dark sends his minions of sleep to come find me; to seduce me into their arms of dreams and sighs and slumber.
I go. Easily.
Slipping hastily into realms unimagined during the day.

But you know, given the cataclysms and catastrophes my night time meanderings bring, it's surprising that I dare to sleep at all!

For instance.

I awoke this morning remembering a particularly bizarre dream.

My head had been severed from my body.

Alarming enough, no?

But it gets better. (well, worse, but you know what I mean.)

Whatever agents did the severing, and for whatever (unexplained) reason, they also decided to keep both my body and head alive for exactly one day.
After that one day, my body was going to be allowed to die.

My head, however, was to be kept alive.
They were to place a mirror placed in front of my face, so that I may watch the rot and decay take over.
They were going to have me watch my face literally disintegrate in front of my eyes.


Now what did I do to deserve THAT!?!

Look closely at this's really rather deceiving.


nicki said...

oh boy..thats a really scarey dream....eeeeeeep :(

:P fuzzbox said...

That is a really cool pic. I rarely remember my dreams which is probably a good thing.

Heidi said...

Dreams like that can stay wth you for days..Very creepy..Hope your next dreams will be pleasant. :)

kimber said...

EEEEEE! Impressionable reader!!!

*covers ears, shuts eyes*


E. Rivera said...

I love dreams. That's a ceeeraaazy one.

Phil said...

As a therapist, I'd have to guess that subconsciously you are very worried about your physical health right now. Get to the gym and you'll feel better. Underneath that though is a certain anxiety and pressure for time. Are these elements currently playing a part in your waking life?

blackcrag said...

Hmmm... Your dream makes my occasionally recurring childhood nightmare of being chased by sesame Street monsters round and round a cartoon city block floating in an impnetrable black void seem tame.

Either you ate bad sushi that day or you should read up on your Andrew Marvel; "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may/For old man Time is still a'flying/And those flowers that bloom today/Tomorrow will be a'dying."

Have you started looking for a new job yet?

Josh said...

That is super creepy. With psychoanalyzing too much, sounds like you are afraid of starting to look older. That’s just a guess though. I’ll stick to my dirty, less frightening dreams ;)

Skye said...

I can never figure out my dreams, proably a good thing. :)

gordaboo said...

Like the pic....didn't like the dream. Hope you have a better dream!!

Lindsey said...

That is really freaky! And I thought that my dream that I had taken up smoking was troublesome.

fjl said...

Happy Valentine's day x

Crystal said...

Very scary dream, thank GOD I haven't had any nightmares lately, I'm practically a lucid dreamer and they often feel so real. Btw I like that painting too, very gothic and Tim Burtunish!

BostonPobble said...

oh honey! I *hate* dreams like that. they tend to stay with me. hope you were able to shake this one relatively quickly. have you eaten chocolate yet? it may not really help ~ but then, what does eating chocolate ever *not* help?