1) A book that changed my life: That's a tough question. All books to some degree have changed my life; they all leave a kind of adjustment behind...even if they're not directly recalled, don't they?
A book that changed my life...well.
I going to name a book that changed my life not so much for the content (though it's a great story) but more for the forward and for the fact that if it hadn't been written and I hadn't read it, an intrinsic and valued part of my life would possibly still be lost to time and distance.
The 212 pages of The Tattooed Wolf by Ms. K. Bannerman gets to hold that title.
2) A book I've read more than once: "The Rebel Angels". Robertson Davies. I believe I've raved about it before!
3) A book I'd take to a desert island: Can't I just take my library card? Damn! Another tough question. I can't answer it. Not possible that one single book could suffice. (Though a book about survival on a desert island might come in handy, no?)
4) A book that made me laugh: "Monty Python's Flying Circus: Just the Words". (Nudge nudge, wink wink!)
5) A book that made me cry: See answer to question 1.
6) A book I wish I had written: I think any of the books by Robertson Davies would have pleased me to have written. Or maybe Carol Shields? Of course books by Carl Sagan and Joseph Campbell all could stand in that spot, too.
7) A book that should never have been written: They're out there, but fortunately I've erased them from memory so I don't have titles to supply!
8) A book I'm currently reading: "Salt: A World History" by Mark Kurlansky. I've experienced some mocking for this title, believe you me!
"You're reading a book about WHAT!?! Salt!!? Oh.My.God. Are you serious?
Mind, I've also been ridiculed for using the phrase "I'll keep you abreast of the situation."
I work with cretins, what can I say.
In fact, just yesterday I said something about being obtuse and this reply followed.
"Obtuse? Why do you have to use words like that? I guess I'm just not as smart as you Tai. Oh, wait. I am as smart, I just don't have to use big words to prove it."
I was, to say the least, stung.
"But I REALLY speak like that." I protested. "In fact, all my friends do as well. I can't help it!"
I spoke my defense to uncaring ears.
Good thing I didn't trot out my current favorite word, 'polyglot'.
That would have REALLY annoyed her.
But I digress....
Back to the books!
9) A book I'm planning to read: As many as I can. I figure I've got at least another 50 or 60 years.
I'll just have to plan my time carefully!

*Thanks Dagoth, I enjoyed this quite a bit!
My favourite word right now is 'confluence'.
If the person does not use big words, then no, they aren't as smart as you, dear Tai.
The use of a large vocabulary is a sign of intelligence. Not using a language to the fullness of its richness, depth and beauty is, indeed, obtuse.
I think I need to look up this Robertson Davies book.
I seem to recall a recent conversation with you...other than polyglot, which really does have a certain ring to it, I recall other luscious words we used:
*Spider Girl rolls words thoughtfully around in her mouth*
Hmmm,now quotidian, that's a fine, fine word.
Your co-workers need to get out more.
Sorry your coworkers have been discombobulating you.
My favorite book of all time is Hearts in Atlantis, and yet I don't wish I'd written it. It would seem somehow inappropriate coming from, seeing as I grew up in the years following most of the book.
books, books, books! I am enjoying a few right now! Obtuse, last time I checked, was NOT a very big word ~)
Hey Tai!
I hope you're enjoying the long weekend!
I liked that post...
They say it's hard to soar with the eagles when you work with a bunch of turkeys...I guess it's true to a certain degree...
50 or 60 years = a lot of books!
Take care out there, Tai!
Your Pal,
Hi Tai. It was fun reading this post. I did something similar to this a while back on my Fingerprints blog. It's an interesting exercise.
A few comments...
Spider and I were having a conversation about the forward to The Tattooed Wolf, not so long ago; it never occurred to me not to include you, as you (and that's a plural 'you', by the way, encompassing Spider and Pol) made many integral contributions to the story. I could not have written that book if you (plural, again) had not been such remarkable & important figures in my life. I'm so glad it changed your life, and I'm so glad it changed mine, and I never want to be lost through time and distance to you (both plural & singular usage here) ever again.
And obtuse, being a mere two syllables, does not even come remotely close to being a big word. I'd say you work with a bunch of freakin' orangutans, but that insults the rich linguistical hoots of our primate relations. You work with oysters, Tai. Oysters who hide their stupidity behind feigned modesty -- the worst kind!
Hi Tai
You're most welcome, in fact you're the first person I thought of when I found this...
If you were calling your coworker "obtuse" then you hit the nail right on the head...
Take Care
Hello fellow book-worm!
(great avatar btw...)
Nice post about boox :P yeah I spelled it wrong on purpose
My favorite: "You write dictionaries? Wow. You must really be fun at parties." This is always accompanied with an eye roll. To which I reply "yes, actually, I am." Ignore them. They are beneath you. Better yet, smote them. They deserve it.
I love the word discombobulate. ANd books. Great post.
Nice post and nice to see you back. x
Never adjust your language to that which is equal to the levels of your co-workers vocabulary. It will end up as merely a series of grunts and groans. Obtuse? You gotta be kidding. Though I shouldn't be surprised, I had a co-worker cock his head at me when I used the word - maim. Why, we ought to maim them all!
Don't read too much, it's bad for your eyes.
I like the way you talk:)
I liked this meme as well. I may have to try it out. And maybe take a few of your's as new ones to try!
I disagee on the idea that books should not have been written. Maybe they are crap, maybe they are insulting, but once you start down the slippery slope of saying some things shouldn't be said, where does it stop?
-- david
Obtuse indeed! I've had 'curmudgeon' in my head lately, which would also apply.
The pic of you si so cute. I love reading too and hope I managed to read everything some day. haha
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