Be careful out there!
There were two occasions over this weekend where motorcyclists almost hit me, and neither my mom or I were impressed.
The first one involved a motorcycle trying to run a red light in front of me, almost causing a major accident (I don't think his girlfriend on the back was too impressed with him either).
The other incident involved a motorcyclist attempting to change lanes into my car!
C'mon guys!
As the driver of an enclosed vehicle I know to look out for you guys on two wheels (believe me, having also driven a motorcycle I know how vital that is) BUT you have to take care of yourself as well!
There's only so much I can do when you dart out in front of me or try to merge yourself into my car.
So don't do it...okay???
Hi Tai
Do you ever wonder if sometimes you are better off up in your airplane?
I'm glad to hear all accidents were avoided and at least somebody "was watching out for the other guy"...
Glad you are okay. Guess he was okay too then. At least you are not attracting Hummers.
Here in Denver, the latest rage is doing stunts... standing up going 90 miles on rte 70... switching your legs from one side to another... I just hold my breathe and keep my fingers crossed that their stupidity doesn't kill them.
Good post -- great reminder! Thanks!
Hey Tai.
It's good of you to be considerate of other motorists.
Ever notice how those "Big Bad Bikers" generally drive casually and safely and those neon sport bike guys often drive like they are daring you not to kill them? Just an observation.
I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't wish a few of those discourteous neon sport bike guys death on more than a few occasions...But I didn't really mean it...it was just the heat of the moment and their complete disregard for human life that would enrage me...
Anyway, take care out there, Tai!
Your Pal,
I still maintain, Tai, that there is a reason God gave us all four wheels. Otherwise, a sensible reminder, especially for those who seemingly have a death wish.
On an unrelated matter, I saw Spider at Taming of the Shrew last evening. Nice to chat with her.
Next time, just run them over before the can breed and create more bad drivers.
I wonder what causes more accidents: daredevil motorcyclists, or careless car drivers...
What I hate is when motorcyclists on a a four lane highway come driving on the line between the two lanes.
Glad you and apparently they in the cases you mentioned ended up safe.
I don't ride for the primary reason of not paying attention to those around me. I would do something stupid and turn my mangled corpse into a hood ornament.
Vacation before last (in France) I witnessed two motorcycle accidents right in front of me. What are the odds?
One was just a fender-bender, but the other one involved the motorcycle skidding with its rider on its side halfway across a pedestrian plaza. Noboody was hurt in either miracuously, but eeee....
Zambo, the "big bad bikers" treat bikes with respect because hog-riding is a lifestyle for them.
The crotch-rocketeers drive and do stunts like they do because their bikes are their toys, staus symbols, things for others to 'ooh' and 'aah' about.
I know fist hand, as my roommate has a crotch rocket, and that is most defintly his approach to things ... though he is a good motorcyclist, and doesn't pull stupid ass stunts. He most definitely isn't above speeding though.
What is it with these car accidents! My husband's boss's wife totalled her car in a wreck a few weeks ago, and on my interview last week the manager commented that her fiancee had been in a wreck and broke both hands! Scary.
motorcyclists are crazy.
I am one, and basically everyone on the road scares me.
Hellish, I tell you.
ouch! - looking at this makes me not want to get into my car.
...yes, caution is the order of the day as soon as the sun and motorcycles come out...the other day i came very close to hitting a bunch of kids in a crosswalk as i was making a left hand turn...one minute they were on the sidewalk, the next second they were right on top of me as they RAN accross the road, i honked my horn and fortuntely they stopped in time as i would not have been able to. same goes with motorcycles who come upon you SO SUDDENLY and in one's blind spot...it is just impossible to stop.
well, safe and happy summer EVERYONE, and very good post Tai!
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