Suffice to say that my mom and I had the most marvelous of times.
We visited Granville Island where we 'admired' some Native carved heads and we picked up the makings for dinner which I cooked for mom later on Saturday.
Sunday we tore around Vancouver; we did go to the Powell Street Festival, but there was an odd juxtapostion between the people doing the celebrating and the indigent peoples sleeping around the outskirts of Oppenheimer Park.
My mom and I both felt uncomfortable; it rather felt like we were disturbing the people that called that plot of land home just so we could peruse expensive jewelry and eat food they couldn't afford so we left.
Instead we went to historical Steveston, where we watched a little play about the exploitation of

We then explored the beautiful Buddhist Temple in Richmond.

She recovered quickly, and obviously enjoyed the peaceful calm of the temple.
Monday we were able to get up early enough to grab a quick bagel breakfast from Tim Horton's and raced to Stanley Park to be there before the hordes of bus riding tourists hit the calm sea wall.
Ah, breakfast in the fresh air before our jaunt.
We walked a lot...after a 2 hour stroll around the sea wall, the next stop was lunch at the serene Van Dusen Gardens and a leisurely walk through the gardens.
Then off to the bus for the long ride home my momma went; happy, tired and stuffed full of memories.

I really did forget to mention the Scrabble!
My mom loves Scrabble so we bought ourselves a board and had a few games each evening after dark fell...I kept catching her giving me extra points by 'accident' so the truth of who REALLY won the games is forever lost.
But that's what mom's are for, right?
That sounds wonderful!!! And your pics are great too.....
That looks like an absolute blast! Thanks for sharing!
hi tai; thanks for stopping by, been awhile. Yep, - it was a WONDERFUL day, i felt so peaceful and centered and blessed - i have not felt like that for a long time!
hi tai's mom!! - it sure looks like you are having fun -- my mom loves scrabble too, actually so do i.
wish i could have joined you for these photos, and of course, one of my fave spots, the museum of anthropology.
well, you both have a wonderful visit and thanks for sharing with us tai
luv, etc,
ops, pardon me, i did not read properly, Granville Island eh, not the museum....
Your mommy was letting you win at Scrabble! My eyes deceive me! :)
I'm so glad you had a good time---some of those places you went I'd love to revisit. Like that temple...it's one of my favourite places in your neck of the woods I think.
I think I'd like your mom. She seems cool. And it seems you both had a great time together.
Did you take your mom to the GI taproom too?
Time spent with family is great, eh?
I love that line: happy, tired and stuffed full of memories.
It's how we all wish to feel at the end of a trip!
Right you are.
Sounds like a fun time.
Cheers. :0
I love your pictures. Your mom is precious! Glad you have a wonderful time!!
that sounds like a great time!
I love that picture of your mummy and the bear! It looks like you had a fantastic weekend, and for a moment, I was filled with, 'hey, I should go to Granville Island for lunch....' until I remembered, 'oh, wait, i don't live there anymore.....'
You betcha that's what mums are for!
It sounds like a wonderful visit:)
I don't think it matters who won. Moms will forever let their children win at everything. Except an argument of "who's right and who's wrong".
Omigosh, what a fantastic time you had. Don't you just love Van Dusen Gardens? They're close to where I work, and I have a membership, so I can stroll through there at lunch time and get rid of all the "cob webs".
It sounds as if you and your Mom had a great time.
That sounds like a great time. I bet your mom is glad to have such fun daughter.
Looks like your time spent with your mother was a lot of fun. I'm not so good with Scrabble. Battleship is more my forte.
Hi Tai
I've read this post 3 times and somehow I always get this big smile across my face that just won't go away. I think that the relationship you share between you and your mother flows right through it into our hearts. Wonderfully warm and beautiful post Tai...
Hey Tai!
I'm glad you and your mom had a great time last weekend. (I had a feeling you would)...
I hope things are going well these days...
Oh and I saw a trailer for "Snakes on a Plane" the other day...Wow! Unbelievable is all I can say...
Anyway, take care out there!
Your Pal,
Ha! My mom is the biggest cheater!
Well, no... she's the second biggest cheater, just after my grandma!
"ing after dark fell...I kept catching her giving me extra points by 'accident"
It is so sweet to read that! It brought back a wave of nostalgia for me. I remembered this one incident where my brother, me and a bunch of friend were playing some game involving some fake money when I was about 6 years old. I kept losing and running out of money but I kept finding some forgotten money under the pillow next to me. I didn't realize at that time that my brother kept putting fake money there because he didn't want to see me disappointed.
Thanks for the post, loved reading it!
The above comment is mine. Don't know why it showed up as anon.
Awesome pix, sounds like a good trip.
By the way, "Native Carved Heads" would be a great band name.
-- david
Your Mom is too cute! Another great post, thanks.
Moms are the best like that.
You always go right to the heart, clever girl. Lovely pictures.
Sounds like you two had a fabulous time. The temple is beautiful. So cute that Mom was cheating for you. Very sweet.
Lots of years ago, a man I worked for asked me to "stay" at three condos he owned. He was trying to sell them and needed someone handy to upkeep the swimming pool, take out the catamaran which was parked on the beach right in front of the condos (oh, did I mention the beach?) and keep the cobwebs at bay. This was on four mile beach in Port Douglas, Australia. The only catch was, I had to "share" the three condos with his mother, who was about 68 at the time and LOVED to play Scrabble. Three nights a week we'd go at it, and she'd "cheat" to keep me interested.
She taught me how to play well, and used a dictionary that still contained the word "zo", which is the alternative plural to "zoon" which is, of course, the plural of "zoa". In fact, she taught me all 82 acceptable two letter scrabble words.
PS-- Thank God for Mums, yes?
It does sound like you and your mom had an excellent day. I enjoyed reading about it.
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