I have just discovered the very best FREE music site known to (wo)mankind.
At the risk of having all of you dear people raise an concerned eyebrow at me and quietly think to yourselves..."Um, yes dear. And here in North America we also have wonderous inventions called "com-pew-turs" and "in-tur-nets"", damn it. I'm willing to take that chance.

This site is easily navigable and fun. *
It has music on it that I listen to...this is an important requirement, certainly!
(Django Reinhardt is always a difficult one to find and they have it! Lots of it!)
And thus far, it doesn't seem to be the virus distribution site that other 'free music sharing' thing was.
Honestly, that was SO 3 years ago. I can't even remember what it was called! 'Sleeping' something? 'Ster' whatwasit?
This is better. Far, far better.
Oh, and for us Canadians?
Here's a little secret.
When they ask you to create an account (it's free) they'll require you to use an American postal code.
I've heard it rumoured that 12345 works wonders.
Mind...it's just a rumour.
*I must admit here and now that I suffer from a little bit of paranoia.
I worry that this site is just a cleverly disguised gambit to suck all the personal information out of my computer and thereby cleverly obtain a way to possess my soul. (Which, frankly, I'd be more concerned about if I hadn't lost it at a pool game years ago.)
Yet I soldier on.
Spreading the word.
I'm listening to the wonderous music RIGHT NOW.
All hail the amazing music site.
Let us bow down.
AND, a tremendous amount of thanks to M. Viking for bringing this to my attention.
Cool. I've been looking for a new music site. I'll check it out.
Thanks, Tai.
I'll have to check out the site too. Django was great. I couldn't play like him if I had 12 fingers on one hand. I have a cd with him and Stephane Grappelli that is very good.
Fantastic! Thanks for the 12345 tip, too! :)
Uh-muh-Gawwwwd! I just went to a little suare on Tuesday night, and was clued in about Pandora! I've been in heaven, listening to BB King, etc. for the rest of the week.
I am a totally paranoid about virus/info seeking scams too. I seem to know just enough about comp stuff to be dangerous (for me). If I knew less I would naively not worry, if I knew more I would know they can't do half the things I worry about.
There is a nice little illegal program called limewire that is shareware and there is nothing you can not find (music, movies, sofware). Not that I would ever use it ;)
I'll go check out your suggestion.
any site that offers Django is ok in my book.w
Thanx Tai..Going to check it out..Free is always a plus :)!
You're welcome ;)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is thoroughly excited by Pandora. Enjoy!
I've been meaning to check that out! Thanks for the vote on band names but evidently we need something else entirely. The only consensus was no consensus. Glad you had fun with mom. Watch them clueless bikers. :-) Cheers!
Tai, I just tried it and it worked. I'm listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan "Crossfire".
My goodness, thank you.
But is it legal? I used to download free tunes on NAPSTER but then it got shut down over copyright issues. I'm definitely gonna check out PANDORA, but somehow I have a feeling the good news won't last. "There's no such thing as a free lunch."
Hi Tai
Hey, pretty sweet, I just put it on one of my tabs in firefox and let it run while I'm blogging...got some good Rush goin on...:)
Wow, I had no idea about this. Thanks for sharing it!!!!!!!
Hey Tai!
Hopefully all is well these days.
I enjoyed your unbridled enthusiasm for this program...I wonder if "90210" would work too...
Best of luck with the downloading!
I got soul doubt myself...
Your Pal,
Thanks for sharing about Pandora. I've been enjoying it these past couple days.
hmmmmm, yes, well, i probably WON'T check this out as i am VERY paranoid about stuff like this, and not ashamed to admit it. but thanks anyway.
cheers for now,
That's a great site, thanks for mentioning it on here- glad I stumbled on to your blog when I did!
In return I'll point you in the direction of a similar site for books, in case you don't know it already-
Now I can organise my books on my bookcases and virtually...
...I need to get a life.
Good tip for the Canucks. I used 90210 - that's the only zip code I know... hehe
I discovered lots of cool stuff through Pandora.
And I've heard about "12345", too. Wonder what city it is?
I've been on it for like six months now and my computer hasn't been hacked yet. I love it too.
thanx for the tip. it works great for us auslander to. good music is hard to find in europe
sweet Jesus...my prayers have been answered
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