Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Merry Seasonal Festivities?

I had a long discussion the other day with a friend of mine about the elimination of the word 'Christmas' from the public lexicon.

Now, I must admit two things:
1) I have celebrated Christmas under Christmas trees, unwrapped Christmas presents, and sat for Christmas dinner all my life

2) I'm not Christian

Technically, the religion, and the celebration of it are supposed to go hand in hand, but in our Western society, we have overlooked that for as long as I can remember.

There was ALWAYS Christmas.

And now, it seems like "things they are a changing".

I'm of mixed opinion.

I LIKE Christmas for the good things it represents, family, caring, the general wish for peace for all peoples.
Those are GOOD things.

On the other hand, Christianity doesn't represent that for a lot of people that live in Canada.
Many cultures simply don't practice it.
And for others, it represents repression and an elimination of their own culture.
(and for all the religions that Christianity squashed in it's march across the world, I think at some point, an awful lot of people have ancestors that that category encompasses.)

My opinion seems that I don't really have a strong opinion, either way.

What do you think, for or against?


Lindsey said...

i think it's good for everyone to have their own opinions. You're not wrong one way or the other.

Spider Girl said...

I LIKE the food. I LIKE the lights. I LIKE the tree. I LIKE the music.

I HATE the shopping. I HATE the obligation. I HATE not knowing what to get for the people I DO like buying presents for.

I LOVE my friends who are coming to my house in January for an UN-Christmas sleepover.

I celebrate the Winter Solstice not Christmas, but I'm not worried about calling it Christmas or Yule or whatever makes whoever I'm taslking to happy. :)

rauf said...

Even if you don't celeberate, even if you don't participate, its a good feeling to see people celeberate and enjoy themselves.
Believe me you will not be ignored, I am in India, things are far from perfect, still people pull you in to their celeberation.
I don't follow any faith but its a pleasure to join the celeberation which I always do.

Mad Ethel said...

I would like to see Christmas stay for the very same reasons you expressed. When I was younger I never thought of Christmas as a religious time. This may be a "bad" thing since I'm technically a christian. But at the same time, I totally agree with what you said about christianity squashing cultures as it spanned the globe. I would be a fool to say that hasn't happened. Christianity has definetly been abused and it has killed and hurt/scarred thousands upon thousands of people. But to me, Christmas doesn't represent that. So I would like to see it stay. Even if we don't call it that anymore, I will continue to celebrate a "festivus" every December 25th.

rauf said...

Mad Ethel !
your comment doesn't come from a mad person.
Not just Christianity other religions with an exception of buddhism are equally guilty. I am not so sure about Buddhism too.

They all spread God's word, a good thing indeed !
The surface of our planet is smeared with blood of the inocent because of 'Good'
not because of evil. They all want to spread and impose their brand of 'good'