Tuesday, October 03, 2006

To say nothing of the robot and Ninjas!

I just had had HAD! to post this for everyone's viewing enjoyment.

If you were required to read "To Kill a Mockingbird" in school I believe you'll REALLY enjoy this new and improved version.
You need lots of pirates and they need flaming sharks and dinosaurs; yes, it's HOW to Kill a Mockingbird.

You're right Kimber it's HARD CORE, YAAAH!!!


limpy99 said...

Wow, that just doesn't end does it? Excellent use of foreshadowing, denouement, and flaming bears however. B+

Belizegial said...

Hello Tai? Is this thing on? tap...tap...tap... :)

Well, what a coincidence. I am rereading To Kill a Mockingbird at this very moment. My daughter Joanne, in her first year of highschool, has it for required reading and I thought I would brush up on it as well. You never know, she may need my input on something therein.

I will check out How to Kill a Mockingbird. Sounds like a cool idea.

Are you done moving yet?

Take care,

Spider Girl said...

I could've written a really kickass book report if they'd let us read the sequel in school.

And hey, I especially liked the use of our theme song (The Final countdown) at the climax of the battle of the ninjas, pirates, and of course the little mockingbird of titular fame. :)

kimber said...

The Final Countdown -- it still gives me twinges of embarrassement. If only we'd dressed as choreographed flaming ninja pirates, then we would've won for sure!

Skye said...


Mike said...

Wow. I think I read the wrong version... I mean, I remember the ninjas, but the pirates and flaming sharks??

And damn it-- I'm gonna have The Final Countdown stuck in my head for the next week!

Jay Noel said...

That is awesome!!!!!!

I love pirates with laser swords.

Dinah said...

I love that.