At last AT LAST!!
My blog has made a miraculous reappearance!
After over a week of waiting and wondering, it has returned!
I thought for sure it was lost and gone forever, but no, it seems it merely went on a temporary hiatus unbeknownst to me.
So we're back baby, and just in time for my 2 year blogiversary which is coming up on the 27th of this month.
Two whole years I've been at this!
Thanks to everyone who has sidled up 'longside and taken a look into my world (and said 'hi' to my mom...she loves that!)
It still amazes me that kind people all over the world have stopped by and wondered what I was up too.
People have taken my book recommendations to heart (G'Night Girl!) and seemed to have found my posts interesting and funny (I presume it was more than just my spelling that amused you!).
So just know that even when it appears that I've abandoned 'post' I haven't...I'm still here, blogging away in my head.
And I'm still visting all of you enchanting bloggers.
Cheers and thanks...all of you make it a great place to be.
You're back! Ta-da! I am so glad that you are back, and right on the day of my departure for 'furrin' parts. I'll drop you a line when I get there.
In friendship,
Rock on and welcome back! You were missed.
Wow--two years! Good for you! Don't ever delete this blog. It's like a scrap book of your thoughts and emotions. I know some people give up at a certain time, or when the blogging novelty wears off.
Congrats and happy bloggerversary!!!!!!
So so so so glad you're back! I wondered where all your posts had gone -- apparently, they took a little vacation in cyberspace, to rest up before another year of entertaining!
Oh there you are!
LOL I just emailed you.
I'm glad to have met you in this little blog world of ours:)
Happy Blogiversary!
Welcome back to blogland and Happy Blogiversary!!
Phew, I was worried that it was lost forever!!!!!
Congrats on 2 years! :)
Its a helleva ride isn't it? :)
I do enjoy reading you :-D Fun and interesting.
Do keep on blogging! I have enjoyed your writing tremendously even if I can't get here as often as I would like to.
Yay! I was worried about you. I love your site, congrats on almost two years, and I am so into your love of books.
Hi to your mom!
I've been completely traumatized--hair falling out and everything--at the loss of your blog! I'm so glad you're back! What happened?!
I blogged it. A back-up movement!
(Loving Lemony Snickets, and have a 10-year old girl willing to barter for my reading the series she owns. Whoo hoo!)
Tai, admit it... you only came back so you could brag about blogging for two years!
Welcome ack though. I've missed your quirky view of the world. Never cahnage, sweetie.
Happy bloggaveresry (early. Blogger can be quite frustrating.
Happy BLogiversary!
Was wandering when the blog would rear its head. You've been missed
Hey, I'm glad you're back. I wondered where you had gone.
Heeey!! You're back! Glad to see you again.
Happy Bloggerversary; i missed mine!
My blog was just all green; blank everything else except for colour, i guess they were doing maintenance work, glad you are back though. and i agree with Deb:-don't you ever delete your Blog!
please check out my most recent post and if possible spread the word about what is posted there to people in and around the Vancouver area.
Happy blogaversary!!!
I would freak after 8 days!
Hurray, your blog's back! I'm so glad! :)
Did your blog bring you back a souvenir T-shirt from wherever it went?
Wow...I thought your blog was nuked for good. Thank God you're back.
2 years....wow. You're an old-timer actually.
And no one can balance a sword on their head like you, sweetheart.
happy blogiversary!!! two years huh! that ROCKS!! i was excited about one year!!! hahahaha
Congrats!!! That is commitment.
Welocem back, and you look lovely. Sorry I haven't been around, I've been blogging on police corruption and I didn't want to force anyone. x
glad you're back. I was wondering...And congrats on the 2 years thing. My 2 year anniversary will be in January.
My blog pulled a disappearing act for a day or two once. Very disturbing. Welcome back and congrats on two years.
Sara :)
Hi Mom.
iqfI was worried when I tried to get to you after your great comments on my blog and couldn't find you!!!! Congrats on your blogiversary as you call it.... That is so cool!!! 2 years..... Wow!!! Tawnya
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