Thursday, June 22, 2006

For sale, cheap!

Well, I'm garage saleing (that word looks so wrong) on Saturday with Kimber.

She's moving far away, so she believes (as do I) that selling some of her voluminous amounts of 'stuff' is a better idea than hauling it around.

I, for my part, am not vested with a lot of 'stuff'.

Pack-ratting has never been a problem for me. If I like something, I use it, display it, eat it, read it or wear it.

If I don't, it's gone.
"Chuckaphobia" I do not suffer from!

I looked around my little place the other day to see if there was anything I could contribute to the garage sale; aside from a few books that I have more than one copy of, and some old electronics crap, I LOVE everything I own.

(Okay, well I don't LOVE everything in my place, but something like my couch isn't easily packed up and sold at a garage sale.)

So, I'll pawn off my little collection of 'junk' and be happy for the extra $10-$15 I hope it'll garner.

Wish us a sunny day and many acquisitive customers!

(P.S. Anyone want a terribly ugly brown couch with a gaping great hole in it? It's really comfy!
For the incredibly low price of $20 bucks and the promise that you'll be able to wrestle it out of my apartment without destroying anything, it's yours! Must provide own muscles and vehicle.)


Zambo said...

My name is Zambo...
and I'm chuckaphobic...
(Though I do enjoy the works of Chuck Palahniuk)...


As for "cocks-comb", I looked it can be literally the comb of a rooster; or an annual plant (Celosia cristata) widely cultivated for its clusters of red or yellow flowers; or a conceited dandy who is overly impressed by his own accomplishments...

(In the case of the last definition, serve with fava beans and a nice chianti).

Take care out there!

Your Pal,


Good luck with the "garage saleing".

Spider Girl said...

Your couch may be ugly, but I'll vouch for its comfort, dearie. :)

I'm a pack-rat only in my guise of flea-market sales-flogger. Other than that, I'm fairly zen about my attachments to most things. Not all things, but MOST.

I met a professional organizer at a seminar the other day--and I'd love to be paid to help folks overcome their chuckaphobia.

BostonPobble said...

Isn't it Great to love what you have? I've never been a chuckaphobe either. Why keep it if it doesn't increase happiness?

Belizegial said...

Good morning Tai,

Much success this Saturday with your friend's garage sale~

For all women blogging here today, here is a link you should look into that has to do with IBC (inflammatory breast cancer).

Please watch this video clip.... and then forward to all the women you know.

Lily said...

Oh my....I think I'm a pack rat. I eventually get rid of stuff, but it takes me forever and a day.

Hanging my head in shame....


PS--Happy Belated Birthday, Tai!

Jay Noel said...

Why is it at every garage sale, someone always puts out women's undergarments???

Do people actually buy a pair of big panties at garage sales?

fjl said...

Come round, both of you, and lets file all my junk into a skip. I'm terrible. Plus, nobody loves me.

... :-)

limpy99 said...

Just put the couch out by the side of the road with a "FREE" sign on it. It won't last two hours.

divine oasis said...

it's hard for me to throw anything away. just about everything i own carry some type of sentiment. i'm a sucker for reminders of my past.

by the way, happy belated earth day!!!

that reminds me, i'll be 30 on the 13th of july. time is flying.

Phil said...

It sounds like you should pay us $20 to get rid of the couch for you!

Ian Lidster said...

May you reap much revenue from your sale, and may you move that brown couch, or may someone. You have an exquisite day for it.

Mz.Elle said...

I hope you're havin' fun!

kimber said...

Hey, I'm not moving THAT far away!!!!!

M. Santos said...

Note from a proud pack rat- I love my stuff and can't push myself to get rid of anything- I have favorite shirts from the 3rd grade that are now my favorite cleaning rags, best pair of flip flops I ever owned (no wait I only have 1 so I guess I just have a flop) that I use as a door stop in my office- it's a size 7, I now where a size 13.
My wife throws everything out- I'm ascared I'm next.

JM said...

I'm a terrible pack rat.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

No chuckaphone here either. Clutter clutters my soul; I just can't take it! I take stuff to the goodwill regularly.

Deb said...

I used to fear the word "garage sale", until I got into my thirties and figured out that people think their junk is junk, when it's actually someone's else's treasure.

Mathieu said...

Happy belated Birthday, TAI!

No thanks on the couch. I'll pass. Even if spider vouches for the confy side of it. :)

as for myself, I'd throw everything away, but my gf is a "no-we-don't-throw-it-away-now" type...


Crazy Me said...

I am a HUGE packrat and keep trying to clean things out but it's so hard. I just did a clean out a few months back but I think I need to get rid of some more junk. At least, in the last round, I did throw out my mums from high school!!

Ike said...

You two are really trouble. Trouble I tell you. Two peas in a pod. How will you live without each other? Did you get that 10 bucks? Remember, it's only worth 8.92817 here. Crappy dollar. Hope all is well....