Saturday, November 06, 2004

It's a funny thing...

...I have a friend who is dying and fighting to live, and another 'friend' who is living and is fighting to die (and working hard at it), and another who struggles with life in general and I wonder what it is that dictates health and happiness or despair and dying amongst us.

Now, I don't believe there is a omnipotent being who hands out our it is by sheer dumb luck that my other friends lead happy contented lives?
No, that can't be it...I know very well that they have all worked, and continue to work (very hard, I might add) to have what they do.

So why joy for some and pain for others? Where's the rhyme? The reason?

It's an old question, I suppose. And I realize it has no answer.

Thus, I sit in my little apartment, sipping some red wine, listening to some old jazz...rolling my eyes as my cat snores (yes, he IS snoring) under my old and shaky coffee table, while I turn the pages of the book I'm reading and am extrordinarily glad that I have this to enjoy. For now.

1 comment:

Cardinal Fang said...

This is a beautiful post. Lovely, wrenching, a perfect painting of a moment.