Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Election Down South

At the risk of sounding like I'm a fear mongerer (is that a word?)...I have to say (I HATE to say) that I believe that Doubleyuh Bush is going to be re-elected.

Don't ask me why I would harbour such trecherous thoughts, but I do, and folks, we're all in trouble if I'm right.
I honestly believe that once he's done as much damage as he can in the parts of the world that he's obliterating, it won't be long till he turns his baleful gaze our way.
After all, we're a successful (okay, there's room for argument there) nation. Pretty content as far as all things go, but we didn't back Doubleyuh.
We left him to go forth on his own to wage war, I foresee revenge on his mind.

I hope not. But he's a paranoid president and he's not very clever.

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