Saturday, December 09, 2006

What's WRONG with me?!?

Weird things. A list of them.

If I suffered from OCD, I could put something interesting down like, "count how many starlings (and only starlings) on my way home from the corner store" or "twist my left pinky 11 times when starting the laundry".
But I don't have even the slightest trace of OCD.

I don't care which way the toilet paper faces, and I'm not particular about how many wipes it takes to dry a bowl as opposed to a plate.

I don't NEED my clothes to be hung in a certain way, or my shoes to be pointing out.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm normal. I mean, everyone else has endearing little quirks that they need to see them through the day.

What do I do that could be contrived of as 'weird'.

The only thing that may qualify (and it's not something that I 'do' exactly), are my dreams.

Sounds pretty normal, yes? Everyone dreams.
But I defy anyone to hear any one of my dreams and find any kind of normalcy amongst them.

Full-blown, techni-colour 'lights-sounds-smells' dramas of epic proportions.

I've woken myself up during a particularly loud AC/DC contest.
I believe the contender playing 'Hells Bells' won, but as I said it woke me up.

I have dreams in which I die, only to be propped up in front of a mirror to watch myself decay; flying dreams and lucid dreams.
Dreams that spread themselves out over several days in the telling. Did I mention I can smell in my dreams, too?

I realize that everyone dreams, but I seriously think that my dreams can be easily defined as 'weird', even by weird dream standards.

What else?

I don't like cold leftovers but I hardly think that counts.

I always condition my hair after I shampoo. Definitely not weird.

Even when I smoked, I didn't have any habits like turning the first cigarette upside down and smoking it last for luck or tapping my cigarette a required number of times before lighting it.

Perhaps being an RPG'er might be constituted as strange in some circles, but the crowd I run with are all gamers, so it's normal/expected. It's nothing I can include in a list of "6 weird things about me".

Maybe I could include that I don't love shopping. That might just be a weird thing.

I was SURE I would have lots of things to make up a list with. With bowed head I must admit defeat.
Guess I'm not as weird as I once prided myself.
What a shame!
All these years I thought I was strange and it turns out that I'm really very normal.
How strange!


gordaboo said...

You seem normal to me, but then who am I to judge?? Weird know I'm not "normal" as my 14 yr old boy says there is not such thing as normal. I'll think on this and write up a "weird" list.

Anonymous said...

"I have dreams in which I die, only to be propped up in front of a mirror to watch myself decay,"

I have odd dreams, but never that one before. ^_-

Anonymous said...

As strange as those dreams are, I think even that is normal. You’d be surprised how screwed up and odd some people’s dreams are. That’s a fascinating subject for me so I’ve read stuff about dreams and you are “normal” in that area too :P

BTW, Gamers ROX

kimber said...

Ahem. Someone, if I recall correctly, is not too fond of animal-human hybred monsters, like the goat-boy in the Creymaster Cycle. Yes?

You do have a luscious dream life... enviable, in fact!

Jay Noel said...

This vivid dreaming...does it make you feel exhausted when you wake up?

Crazy Me said...

I rarely remember my dreams. Lucky you!

Jo said...

Gosh, the very fact that you're so normal is.... weird. You're a rarity.

If I had dreams like yours, I would be afraid to go to sleep. You actually watch yourself decay? Omigod...!

Anonymous said...

I dream of naked women and often having 2 or 3 gf at the same time, it's always horrible.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little freaked out about the watching your own dead body decay part. Hmmm...

I hardly ever dream but when I do, it's like I've done acid. Entertaining, until they become recurring.

Mz.Elle said...

LOL congratulations!

I've forgotten about the cigarette thing.
We called ours a Wish smoke

Anonymous said...

You are not weird but you are unique just like the rest of us!

As for dreams, wow, you win. However, I do have dreams which are re-runs, sequels and even revised director's cut versions. That's a little weird. Also with one or two exceptions, my dreams are always in monochrome.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tai

Lets see...Sword on head. Check...Farting dog. Check...Nope, nothing strange here...

Dinah said...

Ooh, that decaying dream really frightened me!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, to me, not caring which way the toilet paper is unfurling is weird. I have to flip the toilet paper at my Mom's when I visit (fortunately, she's the only person I know who does it backwards). I also have extreme vivid dreams, but in my case it's actually listed as a side effect of my crazy pills. If it will make you feel better there is probably some little thing that you just haven't realized is weird.

Anonymous said...

You seem normal (& very cute) to me,
but then again I'm weird and proud of it.

And what are dreams? but the subconscious acting out little mind plays.

Anonymous said...

As far as OCD, you could have a mild case. It effects different people in various ways - from what I have gleaned. IF you do have it, you are lucky to have what you have. You are quirky and interesting and that is better than normal.

You can't control your dreams. My dreams tend to wear me out. You are as normal as you want to be.

limpy99 said...

Uh, you do have a sword balanced on your head.

Zambo said...

Hey Tai.

It's interesting that you couldn't think of any 'weird' traits to report...

I'm reminded of that Tears For Fears song "Mad World" that was redone by Michael Andrews for Donnie Darko...and is now being used in that "Gears of War" video game ad..."The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had"...

That is all.

Take care out there!

Your Pal,


Spider Girl said...

Dash it all, Tai, you nearly had them all convinced and then I go and mention the wild police chase in a Ferrari, and several incidents of howling at the moon.

ZooooM said...

Well somebody's got to be the voice of reason in this world.....

Anonymous said...

The weird thing about weird is none of us think we're weird. We all think we're totally normal. Although I prefer "idiosyncratic" but that's just me. And maybe that's weird. ;)

tsduff said...

Who on earth isn't weird? that's weird. :-D

I'll look for you in Victoria when I'm at my aunt & uncle's home on San Juan Island... mid week between Christmas and New Years. ~waves~

Outdoorsy Girl said...

It's weird to be normal, so you are weird after all!