Saturday saw my friend and I take the 'two and a bit' hour drive down to Seattle.
(Not to mention the hour-long wait at the border!)
I'm always happy to go to Seattle, and perhaps it's because it always feels a bit more seasoned than Vancouver to me.
Despite the fact that both are similar in size and age, it's rather like having a slightly older cousin who knows "what's what" and won't let the younger one in on the secret.
You know they know 'SOMETHING' but it's not anything that can be described; it's a kind of knowledge that's as elusive as a shrug and as tantalizing as a drag on a forbidden cigarette.
As far as beauty, I believe that Seattle really rivals Vancouver in the realm of natural wonder.
It is a city that is comfortable within the boundaries of water, forest and mountain.
Seattle (much like Vancouver) features a backdrop of glorious green forest and stretches of blue water and still manages to have a coffee shop on every corner.
As far as the few American cities that I've visited it remains one of my favorite.
When I was young, I used to think that Seattle WAS Canadian.
(Needless to say, geography eluded me when I was 8.)
So, to Seattle we went.
We ate at a great Italian restaurant on the edge of Pioneer Square ("Cafe Bengodi"), and investigated a few bookstores.
And of course, we walked through the multi-scented gauntlet of Pike Street Market.
Then we made a stop at an Irish pub ("Fado") for a pint of resuscitating ale, and that's when it happened.
"I need to see your I.D. please." He looked sternly at me.
"Uh..." I dug through my purse.
"Gosh, this is going to sound lame but...I left it in the car." I hurried to explain, "I had to have it out for the border crossing, I must have left in the car by accident!"
"You're going to have to leave then. Sorry."
"But I'm 34!"
"No I.D., no service."
"Oh THANK YOU!" I exclaimed happily and hurried out the door with the biggest grin.
"I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I?" My friend Danny said dourly.
"Yup. Chances are the novelty will never wear off!" I beamed.
I love Seattle.

REally? Wow, how interesting.
Hah! I love that you loved being turned away for that reason. Whippersnapper. I love Seattle too. Would love to have to work there for a few weeks.
HAHA Good for you. About a year ago I was in my pj's and a pony tail when the door bell rang. I opened it to a sales guy that asked if my parents were home. Made my year :D
I love how you described Seattle! I just spent two weekends there and it was great (I love Seattle as well), and I got asked for ID once both times. That was cool.
I love Seattle too. You really captured the feel of it, and reminded me of why I enjoy heading down there at least once a year too..
Especially Pike Street Market. And Pioneer Sqaure at night when you can check out all the different bars depending on what moves you in a particular moment. I like the food, the choices, the unqiue shops to poke in too (like the one with the old school cabinet of curiosities scattered about) and just the differentness from Vancouver.
Hehe - I keep getting asked for ID, as well. Then, when they see my birthdate, they jump a bit. Hope I can still do that when I'm 34:)
LOL -- that's so great. That's my favorite part of bars -- the ID check. I'm 3 1/2 years older than my Husband (I'm 37) and he teases me all the time. But the joke's on him when I get carded and he doesn't!
Until very recently I got carded all the time. Considering I'm nearing the end of my 4th decade on the planet (doesn't that sound better than the dreaded F word?) that's pretty good. If I shave and wear my hair down I sometimes still do. So good for you! I'll mail you an mp3 of the Tom Pety tune you asked about...
I love it when that happens!
You know what, I've never really taken the time to appreciate Seattle. The three or four times I've been through it I'm breezing by on the freeway.
Take me there,my under-agged looking friend!
Haaa,that's perfect!
Wait-- You mean Seattle's not Canadian?? Shoot...
Anyway, I almost never get asked for my ID. I'm 24, and I've been asked maybe 3 times.
Well, Tai, I gather from your story that that's not a picture of you in the doorstep... :-)
You must have been so pleased to be "carded".
I love Seattle. It's everything Vancouver tries to be, but can't quite succeed.
WOW!!!! I am so happy for you, what a treat! It's been a while since I had that "problem"
Ok Tai....
I guess I am going to be the only one that says....nope I don't really like Seattle. Maybe it's for the reason you mentioned... To much of a older cousin thing. I just find it to have to many highways, people aren't friendly and yes the shopping can be great, but no savings, so if money isn't an issue well then go for it. Now with the borders being the way they are I don't think I will be visiting it in the near future either.
I do like the way you write, very creative. Thank you for sharing.
Cheers from the Island.
L'Ailee and I are 31 and 32, respectively; we get carded *all the time*. I guess I'll have to get somebody to buy my likker in Seattle. :-)
Wow! no wonder you like Seattle!! hahaha
Sorry, Miss, but I think I would have to ask you for ID, too. I think that is quite cool, Ms. Tai.
I agree with you about Seattle. A favorite aunt and uncle lived there when I was a kid so spent lots of time there.
Your friend,
But that means no pub...
I would love to visit both Seattle and Vancouver some day. Funny story and uniquely funny picture! Love it.
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