Almost 11 years ago to the day, I packed my bags and left my tiny town of 5,000 people to move to the city of Vancouver.
4 years after that move my boyfriend and I broke up.
"Do you want help moving back to the Island?" He said.
"I'm not going back. I'll make my own way, thank you very much." I stuck out my chin, found myself an apartment and a job and dug my trench.
There was no way I was going back.
I was staying.
I wouldn't budge despite the fact that my family and dearest friends all resided on Vancouver Island, and despite the fact that I sometimes struggled to pay my rent AND buy food.
At one point I actually considered a second job...to pay for my cigarettes.
But if I got a second job, when would I have time to read?
I quit smoking.
I would NOT go crawling back defeated.
So I stayed and had a good time.
I explored Vancouver within an inch of it's life.
If there's a particular kind of food you seek, in a particular kind of restaurant I can tell you it's exact address.
Want a sublime walking experience around Vancouver? I can point you in the right direction.
The view of the mountains with or without snow? Dawn, dusk or mid-afternoon I can take you to the best view.
Best nightclubs? I used to know them.
I don't do that scene so much any more...it really does look all the same given enough time.
So I must confess.
For the last year, I found myself wanting more and more to go back to 'my Island'.
I think I've conquered whatever it was that I was fighting.
Whomever I was trying to prove something too...I'm pretty sure I've proved it.
So now?
So now it's time to put aside the 'quest' and cool down the swagger, I don't need to fight anymore.
Whatever it was that I was waiting for? I'm not waiting any longer.
I've quit my job and put in my notice for my apartment.
I'm going 'home'. *
And not a moment to soon.
*Well, actually I'm going to Victoria.
I've never lived in Victoria before but it's a city I've always wanted to live in.
Don't worry Mom, I'm only two and a half hour drive away. No more ferries to contend with!
And there's always the train!
I'll be back on my island, and I'm so excited!
And what you were waiting for is very happy you waited.
it's nice to be back here
and it'll be doubly nice to have you back here, too.
Good for you! Sounds like a very exciting time in your life...
Best of luck!
Definitely sounds as though you're where you're meant to be. Enjoy it!
By the way, I love the way you format your writing.
Have a great weekend!
You stayed becuase the people in your "tiny town of 5,000" know how to make a point. They'll make a point for 50 years, if that's what it takes, and even if it doesn't! Why?
Because they're making a point, dammit!
I'm happy to hear you're making some changes, and moving closer to all those you love back in your tiny town of 5,000.
I lived in Victoria for four years, it's a great little city. Say hello to Cook Street Village for me.
Tai, I love living in Vancouver, but my heart has always been on Vancouver Island. I grew up in Port Alberni and I went to school in Victoria.
There is nowhere more gorgeous than the Cowichan Valley.
So much to DO in Vic! High Tea at the Empress, sit in on provincial govt, the big museum with it's world class exhibits, wax museums, art museums, artisan shops, undersea gardens, miniature world, bug zoo, market square, waterfront artisans, cozy posh pubs, horsedrawn carriages, scooter rentals, double decker buses, restraunts of every level, unique shopping (and Starbucks) some nice nightspots (how about live jazz or blues in an intimate venue?) all within a nice little walking distance! Oh there's more! If you are into gardens and architecture... Craigdarroch Castle, Rob Hill military fort (and lighthouse) Royal Roads college, Buchard Gardens and more!
Art supplies, booksellers, suprising nooks and crannies, the university (you could expand your MIND to anywhere!)
Maybe I should consider a move there too?
Ohh I'm so happy for you!!
I can't wait to hear all about your new adventures,on my favourite rock:)
Congratulations on the new developments. I will return to keep up with how things are going.
This reminds me so much of when I was heading back from France! I so identify.
You'll always be a mental traveller.
And you'll always have itchy feet to travel, also. Just be tender with yourself about that stuff x
I'm so happy that you're sounding so happy. Best of luck.
I'm so very very excited too!
I think Victoria will be my new Vancouver. :)
going back is hard...well, I am not sure I could ever go back..
Congratulations! Anything called, "The Island" just sounds better anyway.
Please do keep in touch, my friend, and welcome back to the Island.
Your Island friend,
It's an indescribably wonderful feeling when you get to the point where there's nowhere you have to avoid to prove something any longer (points if you followed that sentence) ~ especially if the person you were proving something to turned out to be yourself.
Wow, good luck with that! I've only spent a few days in Vancouver, but I fell in love with it instantly! Think anyone would notice if I stole your old job and apartment?
Good luck on your move! You sound so happy! Islands are just cool anyway :)
That's a sweet and inspiring story. I too wonder how much of my existence is outdated "proving to myself" stuff. Growing up is hard. But it sounds like you're doing it. Change is good!
Thanks for dropping by my blog....WoW you are the first person I have met that is from the Island and only the 2nd person to have any idea as to where it is.
Welcome back. I grew up in Burnaby so I know the mainland very well. Came to the Island 2 years ago...met the man of my dreams...married him and now I am here to stay.
I would like to add you to my link list if that is ok.
Wow, what exciting news. I bet you will have all new stories and beautiful pictures for us.
Wow - great post. I'm very happy for you! Sounds like something we all ought to do. Great photo too.
"anonymous said... and what you were waiting for is very happy you waited"????
Who could that be?
I wonder.
You filtered through all the men you could in Vancouver, so naturally, you needed a new resource.
Word has it you're moving in with him. All these years you've waved the flag of 'who needs him' and just look what you're running away to.
Fiercely independent Tai is no longer.
Maybe it's for the best. You THINK you're a pirate and he sails a ship. Who knows...maybe it could work.
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