Monday, March 07, 2005


I've noticed that there are a lot of blog sites dedicated to politics kicking around here.

I was going to write about that, but frankly, I know so little about politics (particularly American politics), that anything I could say about it would be shot down and burnt up in to little bitty pieces instantly.

Besides, I don't enjoy demonstrating my ignorance, and that's all that my blog about politics would very clearly show.

What I CAN do is complain about billionaire romance novelists who win the title "Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters" from France.
And mercy me, I do believe I will!

To steal a phrase that my well spoken friend Kim coined, I believe that the folks who selected a certain ROMANCE NOVELIST (read: Danielle Steele) to earn that honorable title, were "Blind, illiterate monkeys."

It certainly takes the shine of that medal, now doesn't it!

I suppose my own whining is for not, really.
I mean, it's not like I've done any better.
But I'm DAMN sure I could!
Then, when France offered ME the "Order of Arts and Letters" I would at least deserve it!

(I wouldn't accept it of course. But still...)

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