Sunday, February 17, 2008

My car and other people: A rant.

Every time I go out to my car, I see another dent or another scrape.

It's true that it's an older car, but it's a cute little sports car. It's not invisible. And it's not okay to hit my car and then drive away.
But nonetheless, time after time, my car gets hit.

What's wrong with people!?!

Example one:
All of my friends were sitting out one hot night having a gelato when I saw a man pull in front of my car to (attempt) to parallel park.

"Watch this." I said, pointing down the street.
"What?" Jeff asked.

"That guy's going to hit my car."
Sure enough, he backed right into it. Hard. Spider jumped up to run down there, but I stopped her, "Let's see if he leaves a note."

Of course he didn't. He didn't even pretend too. He inspected HIS rear bumper for damage and then turned to walk away. At that point, both Spider and I jumped up.

"Hey!" I yelled at him.

"What?" He replied.

"You just hit my car."


"Don't lie about it! My friends and I all just watched you nail it." I indicated my table of irritated looking friends who were staring at him fiercely.

"It's not that bad." He said.

"That's not really the point, is it. You hit my car, looked at your own damned bumper and you weren't even going to have the decency to leave a note, were you?" It wasn't really a question.
He looked nervously at Spider, who had whipped out her camera and was taking pictures of the incident.

"I'd like your insurance information and your licence." I said.

He looked cross and rummaged around in his glove compartment.
"You'll be hearing from ICBC. And next time you hit someone's car, do the right thing and leave a note."

Of course, there was very little damage, but the nonchalance he displayed just sent me through the roof. I never did call ICBC. But I liked to think he worried about it for a long time afterwards. (Yeah. Right.)

Example two:
I was actually sitting in my car when the person next to me opened their car door so hard it actually rocked my car when it hit. I honked my horn only to be rewarded with blank and glazed-over expressions by the lot of them.

I got out of my car, walked around to the front passenger side door to have a look at the inch and a half long gouge in the side of my car from the impact. "You just put this gash in my car." I pointed at the obvious damage.


They were elderly and enfeebled. So I took pity on them and didn't persue the matter. But it astounded me that they couldn't be bothered to even look at the damage. Nope, they all just stared at me from inside their car.

Might have been the froth forming at the corners of my mouth that concerned them.

Another example?
No problem.

I was walking back towards my car one fine spring day and there, again, the person parked in front of me backed right up into my car. Watched him do it.
I ran up to the car and banged on the passenger side window. The girl passenger rolled down her window and looked fearful.

"Hey!" I yelled at the driver, "You just banged into my car!"

"Oh. Sorry."

"That's it?" I fumed. "Sorry? You weren't even going to leave a note, were you. F*uck. Just get the f*ck out of here." I don't generally curse at strangers. But when they are so obviously disinterested in their effect on me and my property, I tend to get upset.

Where am I going with this?

Well, again, today. I go back to my car and notice a fresh streak of blue paint gracing my left front bumper.

No note.
Of course.

And while I can't say I'm surprised, I sure am pissed off.


jmb said...

You have every right to rant here. Are you sure you weren't in Vancouver? I thought that people on the Island were nicer than this.
Obviously it does not pay to have too much wrapped up in a car, either monetarily speaking or emotionally since this is a common occurrence.

I take it this is the replacement for the tree crushed vehicle.

Look up! Do you have your own personal black cloud over your head?

Tai said...

Yeah, JMB, that was in Vancouver...but make no happens on the Island, too.

E. Rivera said...

Argh! I'm frustrated for you!
Glad I don't own a car.
What's up with people?

geewits said...

At least you got to vent at the perps. I have two major damages on my truck and my very own sweet kind husband did both of them! He felt so bad I couldn't say anything. Aaarrrrrgh!

The other day he told me he was going to give me a lump sum of money that I can either use to fix my truck or keep. I'm going to keep it and use some of it to buy us some drinks in June!

Unknown said...

Not nice!

But, remembering that both my MGB and my Fiat 124 were hit while parked more that once, I fear that some folks may think that sports cars are toys and not real cars. Not nice at all.

Jazz said...

You have bad luck with cars, don't you? When you don't have trees falling all over them, people are taking it to bits little by little. Maybe you should buy a Hummer, distastful though that might be.

Grant said...

That reminds me of the time a woman driving a huge car festooned with Jesus stickers threw it in reverse and backed into me, then claimed I hit her when the police arrived. I guess the 10 commandements don't compare when faced with an insurance deductible.

Ian Lidster said...

At least you were forthright and challenging about it. Good for you. The irrresponsibility of people is astonishing. I know, as I look at the chipped paint, flecks of other people's paint and dings (none of which ever saw a note passed my way) that such crass assholes abound. Supermarket parking lots are the worst.
But, hey, it could have been worse. I mean, it could have been a tree. Sorry, love, couldn't resist. Please forgive me.

Mz.Elle said...

Is there someone you can go to,who will take this curse off you?

Pol* said...

I live on the Ilsand, and beleive me I have seen my car get hit a few times too. Door dings, people parking by "feel" unattended shopping carts, and then there are the morons that put their KEYS and packages on the roof of MY car while they load their kids (or whatever) and then DRAG their crap off my car. Oh Yes, I have nice deep gouges clear through the primer from those idiots. You know it's not even that I have an awesome car, it's not, but it's MY property and I want it to last, I want to keep it clean and rust free -- apparently too much to ask. It's part of the reason that I don't have a nice car. I REALLY want a BMW, but if I get this mad about my 20 year old VW getting victimized, how stressed would I be on something NICE?
I feel like finding where they live and doing damage to something they care for....

Scott said...

I drive a shitty old Nissan Altima and I have been hit a few times and not once has someone left a note. Fits in with my theory that People are Savages!

Janice Thomson said...

People are sometimes very uncaring and disrespectful of other people's property so I understand how you feel. Accidents do happen and 9 times out of ten a contrite apology or note would soothe a person's ruffled feathers.
Hi Tai! I'm back and it's good to be reading you again :D

Hermes said...

My truck spends almost all of its life on logging roads... or no roads at all. And guess what? Not a scratch. Makes you wonder about the values of civilization as we have developed it.

Anonymous said...

I will never complain about local drivers again. Okay, I am lying but I will try not to today.

Jocelyn said...

I know you're pissed off (rightly so), so maybe it's not the best time for me to point out that the universe clearly knows you're going to let all these car hitters off the hook, so it keeps sending them to you. What you really need is a long, expensive law suit to let the universe know who's in charge.

Dinah said...

That's awful. Last fall I saw a delivery van side-swipe a truck while trying to parallel park...they were so wedged in there that they couldn't even get free without doing more damage. They went and got the guy, though...probably because they needed him to figure a way out.

nosthegametoo said...

Chicago, like any other city, is terrible with people hitting cars and not giving a damn.

Ah, such is life.

nosthegametoo said...

Chicago, like any other city, is terrible with people hitting cars and not giving a damn.

Ah, such is life.

Anonymous said...

Good post.