Making our way around to the front of the ferry along the outside deck, we noted a metal girder running 'round the bow just above our heads.
(I suspect it was for the window washers to stand on and not nosy twenty year old women to clamber on).
Of course, it needed to be inspected. Always interested in climbing on things, I managed to hoist myself up and turned to aid Kimber.
Standing like odd mast heads at the front of the ferry, we turned around and discovered we could also peer in the large dark windows behind us. Imagine how surprised we were when we peeked through and saw a tall, slim man in a tidy blue jacket and hat standing there looking back at us.
His beard trimmed to an inch of it's life and his bearing was royal.
He had Captain written all over him.
We cringed down, but too late. He had seen us. And then he beckoned to us.
Oh no! Images of short planks and bloody thirsty sharks swimming in wait rushed through my head.
I'm not sure what Kimber was thinking, but I suspect it may have sounded something like, "My Dad's going to KILL me!"
We slithered off the metal girder and slunk around the side and looked up the long stairs to what we now realized was the ferry 'command centre'. The captain stood at the top of the stairs looking down on us. Waiting for us. A cat'o'nine tails at the ready.
Up the long stairs we climbed, whispering to each other if it wasn't too late to run away.
"Hi! I'm Captain Rush. So you want to see what the captain's station looks like? Come on in!" He grinned, ushering in the dark room.
"Here's the radar, and at night all of these lights get turned off. And over here is my chair. What do you think?"
"Uh. It's. Really. Interesting." I stammered.
Kimber nodded and looked bewildered as I felt.
I hardly remember anything about the inside of the captain's room...I was so surprised not to get into trouble that all I recall is the darkness of the room, the glow of the radar and the Captain beaming at us.
We scurried out of there right quick, shouting 'Thank you's!" over our shoulders, than fell into a fit of giggles as soon as we rounded the corner.
Honestly, if I got into trouble more often, I wouldn't do those kinds of things!
"Timmy, do you like movies about gladiators?"
Airplane! reference. Your captain's tour reminded me of it. Couldn't be helped.
If that had been me, the captain would've yelled at me to get my butt off of there. How do you do it? I think I need to hang out with you more.
That's hilarious! The poor fellow must've been lonely.
I remember being very impressed by the radar, and the size of the room, and all the other people scurrying about in the shadows, watching monitors and charting their course.
But I think we were younger.... I think we were fifteen, coming back from your grandma's house. I think the twenty-year-old trip on the ferry was the one that ended up with us, rummaging through dark fields for 'shrooms, with five strange and wonderful guys from Winnipeg.
If my dad knew about that trip, he most certainly WOULD kill me. *wink*
just like the confirmation in the story where a stranger gave you the rest of his oysters...
"these kind of things do always happen to you"...
what the hell, enjoy the good fortune and adventures bestowed on your youth!
Two pretty young things go where they shouldn't and get rewarded by a Captain's tour of the control room. If it was two lanky guys, we would have been keel-hauled!
Is it me, or did I get a creepy feeling about the captain?
I'm glad you two didn't get in trouble, but I'm also glad that you ran out of that dark room while he was "gleaming" at you both.
Next time ask if you can launch a few of the torpedoes.
Next time a guy asks if you want to see his radar, say no. As if a ferry captain has any power to get you into trouble. He was probably afraid you would see him sparking up in there and wanted to prove he wasn't hi by letting you see first hand.
It's cause you're so cute. I would have caught hell for doing that.
I was picturing you two as Kate Winslet on the prow.
Kind of.
But that Cappy was no Leonardo.
You find the most interesting places to go.
Hot 20-year-old girls rarely get in trouble. I mean with ship's captains, wait that still doesn't sound right. Never mind, I am stupid today. It sounds like a good memory! I can't wait to ride the ferry!
You always have the BEST experiences come out of shady situations! I don't know how you do it. I too thought of the oyster gifts, the free drinks, the waiving of cover charges and other innumerable gifts bestowed upon you.... it NEVER happens to me like that, EVER. (I did blink and smile like an ignoramous to get out of a speeding ticket once though).
Hilarious! I wish I had your luck with getting out of trouble! The last time I got caught doing something mischievious, I was lead away with my 3 friends in handcuffs! :(
Wonderfully hospitable captain.
you probably made his day!
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