My long weekend started out like any other. I traveled to the lovely town of Courtenay, BC where my friends and family reside. I had a great time with my Mom and Dad and Kimber and Spider Girl.

And then the television crews showed up. (Two of them, as a matter of fact! Not to mention the newspaper reporter.)
The first windstorm of 2007 downed a huge tree that just happened to fall directly on to my car. (Well, truth be told, it's Whatshisface's car, but nonetheless.)
I had awoken to a cacophonous crash, then SpiderGirl shouting "TAI! TAI!! TAI!!!!!!!!!" I thought a tree had fallen through her house where I was a guest. But no.
It was a great huge tree falling across my car, instead.
I have to say, it's not the most pleasant way to wake up!
After much fussing and calls to the police, Hydro came and cut the offending tree away, leaving my car dented, damaged and ill equipped for travel.
The train seemed like a good idea, so I popped in to the train station to see if I could book a ticket for Tuesday afternoon. What providence! There was Ian from 'Or so I thought' and his lovely wife Wendy. Wendy, too, had to get back to Victoria and was catching the train.
After some discussion, my Mom and Dad decided to drive me the 300km (200+miles) from Courtenay to Victoria to ensure I got to work bright and early Tuesday morning. (Gee, thanks Mom and Dad.)
Once I returned home, my neighbour rushed over, "Was that YOU on t.v.? I just saw! Are you okay?"
I logged in to check my blog, and I saw that dear Josie from 'C'est La Vie' had sent a comment, "Were you just on tv??"
It seems I've had my 15 minutes of fame, and I didn't even get to see it! We have no cable, you see.
I hope my hair looked ok, I mean, it was pretty windy out. (Heh!)
SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL! You've always known how to make a memorable exit, girl!
(So glad you aren't hurt!)
I SAW you and Spider Girl on the news! I screamed out "Hey! I know those two!" and scared everyone in the room,hee hee
Your hair looked great BTW;p
You both looked great!
My goodness. My very first thought is that I am glad you were not sitting in the car. I'm sorry for you destruction, though.
"your" I meant, sheeesh!
Now that you are famous, will you still be hanging out with us lesser mortals?
Tai, although your car looked very much worse for the wear - heh - you looked fabulous, and definitely ready for your closeup. Both you and Spider Girl looked fabulous. I chuckled at how cheerful you were that
...there was a tree on your car...!
Saw you on TV!! Got to see you twice in one day. BonusZ! In the flesh was better than on TV.
I agree with Kimber's comment, you weren't hurt and that was all that counted.
As it turned out, because the train was so late, Wendy too decided to drive to Victoria.
Metal can be undented, people less so. Good thing the tree didn't go the other way into the house. As for your 15 minutes of fame, well they're over so back to obscurity you go. ;o)
Ouch. Not a pretty site that car.
Isn't it annoying to miss your fifteen minutes? Well, at least you had them...
Well I missed your TV debut but it seems to me lucky no one was hurt. That is a mighty big tree.
Poor Tai, or poor What'shisface.
Honey I'm home. What happened to the car? A tree fell on it. Yeah right. No, it was on TV.
Tell everyone who talks about seeing you and your car on TV that you're charging a dollar to answer their questions. Either you'll get enough money to buy a new one, or they'll stop talking about it. :-)
So sorry about the car, seriously.
Well you do lead an exciting life!
Sorry I missed you this weekend and
I missed you on the news too
because our power was out. It
came back on around 7pm.Hope to
see you next time.Maybe it will
be a little less exciting.
Love, your OM
My friend from Duncan called to say you were on the news! I called Spider immediately (apparently her power was still out). I am so glad you are okay.
Never a dull moment!
I found a clip on Global TV that said "A woman miraculously escaped injury when a tree fell on her car moments after she had parked it."
Uh...NOT TRUE! I never said that, in fact, I was snuggled safely in Spider's guest room at the time AFTER I had parked the car some 12 hours earlier!
I'm never going to believe any thing on tv ever again!
Wow, that is intense. Glad that you were not in the car!!
What a horrendous ending to your visit! And you had a camera to capture the entire experience. Sorry about the treed car, but thanks for sharing the fab photos.ba
HA HA HA, not only a miracle, but a celebrity as well! I knew there was something great about you and your blog :) Great great story - but sorry about your little car. You have good karma.
Yowza! At least you were not inside at the time. Does your insurance cover tree damage, or were they screaming "Act of God"?
Hello everyone!
Thank you for all of your kind words.
Kimber pointed out that it was the only car parked on the street and the only tree down. Which is kind of funny, if you think about it.
So far, the insurance company has NOT said they wouldn't be covering the cost, so keep your fingers crossed!
Going into work the next day was fun, people would walk by and yell 'TIMBER!' and laugh.
I love my job.
You and your vehicle need special armor before you visit Spidergirl again.
Glad you survived the vicious attack by the lumber, and your brush with fame.
On the bright side, you weren't in the car when it happened!
Wow so very glad to know that you are ok Tai! How awful - no wonder you commented as far "as you could see the whole tree was gone" on my blog! I never saw your 15 minutes of fame on TV either because it was out here for some time - or at least ours was.
LOL Its not funny but I am laughing at your co workers yelling TIMBER :)
That tree was just plain BIG.
Glad you are ok, and I am sure you looked great on TV (Better than your car anyway :)
Glad you didn't have anything!
Damn, what a bad way to end a weekend...
And as a side comment, I love it when you put pictures of you on your blog. :)
The global tv comment is hilarious. Media distort reality.
This could be construed as a"sign"...he's a vengeful god.
Anyhow...it been a long time since I've been to Sawchucks....new years day 2000 in fact...but I'm sure the place has only gotten more twisted...perhaps I'll stop by this weekend...theres a geocache there.
I hope insurance will cover it. They'd better, those...
You know Whatshisface was on the news once. He and I were walking downtown Victoria... or was it Courtenay? Anyway a news reporter stopped him and asked him how he felt about a pending by-law that would outlaw skateboards on public streets and sidewalks. He said "I don't really care. It doesn't affect my life at all." This was before his roof fell on him - why do these things always happen to him? I wonder how he feels about public wind-break construction?
Glad no one was hurt and I am really sorry to see the car in such a state.
OMG I'm so sorry!
At least no one was hurt.
Life is crazy like that.
The car doesn't even look that beat up, yeah?
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