Those of you have read my blog for a while know that I did a blog dedicated to the fact that I'm NOT weird.
I'm re-thinking that.
So here's something weird.
1) My family had no phone while I was a child/teenager. How is it possible that I survived, you may be asking yourself. Sheer luck. Mind, that wasn't exactly something that I did that was/is strange. But it sure explains a lot of things about me, now doesn't it!
Here's two things that are weird about me (though I prefer 'quirky') and they both pertain to my car.
Here's two things that are weird about me (though I prefer 'quirky') and they both pertain to my car.
2) I have both a mini-disco ball AND a skull and crossbones air freshener hanging from my rear view mirror.
Here is the pictorial evidence:
I can explain the skull and crossbones. I can't explain the disco ball.
3) I have a menagerie of small rubber animals also in my car. This study in wildlife (picture shown) includes 3 tiger cubs (1 is missing from the picture at this time due to the fact that I had it on my person and was carrying it around. Because I am 7.) a bat and a lizard. And there used to be a playmobile vampire in there too. Oh. And a very small rock.
Okay. So I'm half way there.
4) I can eat the same thing for breakfast for weeks, nay, months without tiring of it. Recently it 's been an English muffin with a scrape of peanut butter and a banana. And a cup of tea. Of course.
5) I like transformers. Because I am still 7. Again, I have pictorial evidence of a mangled transformer that I bought for myself and then failed to correctly 'transform'. Please say hello to 'Snarl' the two headed, pigeon toed autobot.
Don't laugh. He's sensitive.
AND! At last!
6) whew! I didn't think I'd make it this far. But I have to tell you, I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
How bout this.
I've met many very famous people over the years and I don't have a single autograph to show for it.
I won't ask for one.
In fact, I generally introduce myself and ask them their name. Just to see what kind of reaction I'll get.
Interestingly, none of them ever rolled their eyes and asked me what rock I just emerged from under.
And that's my list. I'm tagging Spider Girl, Kimber and Pol. If they include their friendship with me as one of their 'weird' things, I'd be flattered. (I think.)