Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I realize I've been blog deficient, but it's not 'cus I don't have things to say.

It's WORK!

Bleedin', crazy-makin' work.

But I'm still stalking about, make no mistake.

Maybe I'll tell the tale of my hospital visit one day, or of spending a long lazy day dozing in the sun listening to jazz by the water.

In the meantime though...I'm off; I can hear the crack of the whip as I type.


Jay Noel said...

I thought you were abudcted by aliens.

Josh said...

Hope the hospital stay wasn't a bad one. Just a trip to eat the great food. Uh oh, I think they are coming with the whip... get moving.

blackcrag said...

Yet another reason to ditch the job you hate and find an new job! If you think I'm going to stop hassling you about this, you're wrong. Count yourself lucky I'm acros the mountians, or I'd be over there kicking your butt! (and I have cowboy boots now!)

Lily said...

Hope things calm down for you soon@

Mz.Elle said...

I can't wait to hear all about your grand adventures!

Ian Lidster said...

Nice to be in touch, nevertheless. And thanks, I forgot about those damn indoor-outdoor malls and hotel lobbies. Just too many fresh-air fanatics in Hawaii, too.

Cheers, Ian

Ike said...

Good to have you back. I, for one, have missed your comedy and prose.

blackcrag said...

Both thank-you and you're welcome, Penny.

Tai, you get a new job yet?