Friday, February 16, 2007

Life in a small town.

Remember that night we all snuck out?

Was it summer?

It might have been, I don't remember being cold.

Out into the night we went, out into the forest.
Up the old dark dirt road for no better reason than because.
I couldn't see a thing! Our steps were slow and cautious, and the rocks glinted; a fraction of a moon to show the way.

Off in the dim woods to the side of the path; a rustling sound.

It's a dog! "It's Jeremy!"

The happy mutt who shared so many of my paper delivery mornings found me again in the middle of the night and joined us for this dark trek.

Soon though, fretting over twisted ankles and worrying about angry parents we turned back down the path. Now we had to make our way down to 'civilization'.

That was just as difficult as forward progress.
Loose rocks, slippery slopes and Jeremy bounding under our feet made the return trip even more difficult.
As we made our way back to hard concrete and streetlights, we past a horrible stench buried deep in the woods.

We scampered past quickly. Fetid and disgusting weren't what we had planned on.

I idly wondered where the dog was as we emerged from the dark, when he bounded ahead of us making his presence known; a coiling stretch of something following behind him in a long line.
"What does he have?"

"I think...I think...oh my god!! That's intestine!!"

Sure enough, Jeremy the good dog was skipping along ahead of us with 2o feet of gut and entrails straggling behind him.
"That must of been that smell! Someone must of dressed a deer and left the guts there."

So we followed the bloody dog prints home that midnight.
The next day there will be gore and entrails all over our small town, and only we would know why.


BostonPobble said...

I remember the night we all snuck out. Careful because the third and fourth steps creaked. Stepping to the very edges of them. I had never snuck out before ~ had never had to ~ so was more nervous. On the way back in, she forget the third step and we all froze, listening for a change in breath, a rustle of sheets but none came. From out the window, sitting on the edge of the bed I slept in when I visited, the moon shone over the orchard, smiling at us all and our follies.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Mmmm, delicious stinky entrails. Now I'm hungry.

Dang. I never snuck out.

Mz.Elle said...

I loved sneaking out. We never did anything bad or got into trouble.
It was just delicious to be out and about at night..

Jazz said...

I wasn't a sneaker outer, unfortunately. Much too well behaved for that...

And dogs? They have a really nasty, oh-it's-gross-I-love-it side, don't they...

E. Rivera said...

Cool story.

Anonymous said...

Nice story. It really creates a picture in the mind. Those kind of stories are better than any movie because you can caste it shoot it yourself.

Eric said...


tsduff said...

That is hilarious! Has a sort of Stephen Kingish quality to it (Stand By Me)... fun story Tai!

Dave said...

I snuck out often and got caught often but it was worth it! There were girls there! It was worth it!

Janice Thomson said...

Great post Tai!...loved your story which had great imagery and brought back a few humorous memories of my teen-age years!

Ian Lidster said...

My beloved and sorely missed border collie once traipsed off in the woods near a friends home while we were having a barbecue, and happily and proudly tripped out of the woods a half hour later with an entire cow's foreleg in his jaws. Some creep had rustled a steer from a nearby farm and had butchered and dressed it in the woods.


Spider Girl said...

I remember that would have been extremely useful to have a flashlight....

Nothing like coming across unidentified entrails when you've snuck out of the house and wondering if you maybe found a body in the woods.

Ah, good times. :)

Scott said...

Awesome post! Brought back memories of sneaking out of my cabin when I went to camp. Such good times.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Very well told. Great story. Only thing was, the intestines .....made me wonder, you know a "Wolfgrrl", don't cha. Oooo. Hair standing on the back of my neck!!

djn said...

I bet your glad to finally get to share your story after all this time.

I snuck out all the time. But I never did anything bad. I just wanted to be free. LOL

Dan said...

Oh man. I'm sure glad I ate hours ago. If it was any closer to lunch I'd be ordering a new keyboard.

limpy99 said...

Oh sure, blame the dog. Nice alibi.

Jo said...

Tai, you brought back memories of living in a small town on Vancouver Island, and sneaking out on a summer night (minus the entrails...).


Anonymous said...

I love the blog that you have. I was wondering if you would link my blog to yours and in return I would do the same for your blog. If you want to, my site name is American Legends and the URL is:

If you want to do this just go to my blog and in one of the comments just write your blog name and the URL and I will add it to my site.


adman said...

Dogs and's like PB &J

Joe said...

And that's exactly why I've never lived in a small town...

Anonymous said...

oh that is disgusting!!! I suppose guts must stretch out for quite some way if you unravel them. what a charming idea... ok... can't even remember how I found your blog! o yeah by following a picture of a grey squirrel to his blog then following your picture to yours. How do a get a picture up when I comment? I've found one I want to use. You can answer me at mine gledwood2.blogspot bc I posed that question tonight and really would like to know the answer. Anyway take care now. This is a very entertaining blog you got here!

Outdoorsy Girl said...

Ooooo...I used to sneak out to...but never at my parents' house, always at my friend Holly's house.

We never had an intestine chewing dog like Jeremy around, but we did take Holly's dog Tia along with us for protection as we sneaked the mile and a half away to meet up with some boys. No one bothered to tell me that Tia was in heat, but I figured it out when the neighbor's dog jumped her and the two became attached. And I mean they were REALLY STUCK together! Ewww! We tried tossing some water on them to separate them, but no no avail! But it did cause the neighbor's dog to take off running down the street...with poor little Tia still attached! Yikes! Talk about poor Tia's yelps waking the neighbors! In fact Tia awakened everyone...including Holly's parents.


Ah, good times!

Dagoth said...

Hi Tai

Reminds me of so many times my friends would sneak out in the middle of the night and I would meet them for good late night fun (I never had to sneak out, I just came and went as I pleased) but there were still many warm summer nights of mischief, like pushing my friends car out of the driveway for a late night drive, or walking the railroad tracks and finding ourselves being escorted by a many good memories...Thanks Tai...

Big Brother said...

Ah the woods at night, dark and a little bit mysterious. Still do cross country skiing at night in a regional park near my place. Nothing quite like it, especially when the moon is full on the snow. The contrast of the darkness under the trees and the glow of silver light off the snow is magic. Often just turn off my headlamp, and fly by the light of the stars and moon. :o)
However, entrails I can do without and the smell of ripe carcass is something you can never quite forget.

Steven said...



kimber said...

Why is it, Tai, that a lot of the best memories from my childhood involve you and entrails?